MIT Data Scientist: Lockdowns Not Correlated With Fewer Deaths (But Are Correlated With More Unemployment)

By Jon Miltimore Dozens of studies show that lockdowns were an ineffective pandemic response. The list…

In Less Than Two Weeks, Millions Of Americans Will Lose Unemployment Benefits

By Tyler Durden With at least 24 GOP-led states set to end federal unemployment assistance before…

“Biden’s Trillions” Spark Historic Labor Shortage: Record 42% Of Businesses Can’t Fill Job Openings

By Tyler Durden Last week we made a remarkable observation: despite some 100 million Americans not…

Total Collapse: First Time Unemployment Claims SURGE — 10yr Yield Spikes

Activist Post Following the Federal Reserve announcement yesterday that they will be buying everything for years…

Robots Are Coming for Millions of Blue-Collar Jobs … But Won’t Stop There

By Jim Hightower Some people find hunting for sport to be abhorrent, so hunters have come…

Despite Being Closed for COVID-19, The Kennedy Center Still Got Over $80 Million in Tax Dollars in 2020

The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC – a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that…

Biden’s Pick To Run Unemployment Let Nigerian Fraudsters Steal $600 Million From Washington State

The President has named the former head of the State of Washington’s Employment Security Department (ESD)…

CANADA: Alberta Premier Threatens Sanctions Against US After ‘Insult’ of Biden Shuttering Keystone Pipeline

Biden’s first order of business in canceling permits for the Keystone XL pipeline threatens relations with…

Biden Plans to Kill Keystone XL Pipeline During First Day In Office

The Biden administration will kneejerk back into the Obama-era energy policies that killed economic growth and…

Who’s Hiring And Who’s Firing: 372,000 Waiters And Bartenders Lost Their Jobs In December

By Tyler Durden As we have been warning for quite some time – and again overnight…

2020 Ends With Around 20 Million Americans Still On Jobless Benefits

By Tyler Durden The total number of Americans on government unemployment benefits ended 2020 just below…

Coke Firing 12% Of US Workers Due To Covid

By Tyler Durden The K-shaped recovery took another big step forward today when – with stocks…

As Gov’t Shuts Down Restaurants, Guy Fieri Raises $21.5 Million for Workers “Doing More than Congress”

By Matt Agorist Thanks to hypocritical governor Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical lockdown in the state of California,…

Weekly Initial Claims for Unemployment Benefits Jump to an Eleven-Week High

By Robert Hughes Initial claims for regular state unemployment insurance totaled 853,000 for the week ending…

Thousands of Inmates Scammed Unemployment Fund For Millions

By Mark Horowitz Tens of thousands of inmates in the state of California, even serial killers,…