AUDIO: Psychiatrist Bullies Patient Over Vaccination Status, Admits He Got COVID-19 Despite Getting Vaxxed

California psychiatrist Dr. Stephen V. Sobel M.D. was captured on audio haranguing condemning his patient for…

Justice Brett Kavanaugh Tests Positive For COVID-19 Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has tested positive for coronavirus despite being “fully vaccinated” against the…

ISRAELI STUDY: Fully Vaxxed Are 27 Times More Likely To Get COVID Compared To People With Natural Immunity

Fully vaccinated are 27 times more likely to get the virus, and 8 times more likely…

CDC Claims COVID Is Deadlier Now, In So-Called Fourth Wave, Than It Was When Nobody Was Vaccinated During Second Wave

Data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) shows that US coronavirus death rates in the…

Israeli Prime Minister Says Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Has Faded,’ People Must ‘Quickly’ Take Third Dose

In a stunning admission, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has declared that the second dose of…

STUDY: Fully Vaccinated Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load Of COVID-19, May Be Super Spreaders

A new study has revealed that people who are “fully vaccinated” carry a staggering 251 times…

VIDEO: French Police Patrol Coffee Shop To Enforce Vaccine Passports, COVID Tyranny

Officers, wearing face masks, check the phones of the citizens to determine whether or not they…