So what’s the rub?

A reporter for the Washington Post was taken to the woodshed after she cited a price tag for an industrial-sized barrel of rubbing alcohol to imply the Trump administration sent its cost skyrocketing… but edited out the barrel.

Journalist Amber Phillips, who works on the Post’s political analysis blog ‘The Fix,’ posted a tweet on Thursday evening suggesting that by mentioning isopropyl alcohol’s effectiveness in ‘killing’ the coronavirus, President Trump triggered a vast spike in price for the common cleanser.

“Isopropyl alcohol, which the Trump administration is saying can kill the virus in 30 seconds on surfaces, for sale on Amazon right now for $2,375,” Phillips said in a now-deleted tweet, sharing a screenshot from the online retailer showing a seemingly steep price.

During the Q and A of the April 23rd Coronavirus press conference DHS Under Secretary of Science, William Bryan had to defend his findings that increased sunlight and humidity speeds up the killing of the coronavirus to the hysteric media. President Trump then came in for the political ThugLife kill.

So what’s the rub? The journalist conveniently – and by all appearances deliberately – cropped the image to omit the quantity for sale: a massive, industrial-sized 55-gallon drum of the volatile liquid, a bit more than the 32-ounce bottle one might pick up at the local corner store. Netizens quickly took notice of the deceptive edit, unleashing a wave of ridicule on the reporter, who promptly sent the embarrassing tweet into the memory hole.

Cernovich on Twitter

Any guesses why an Amazon Washington Post blogger cropped this picture? @DonaldJTrumpJr

Mark Dice on Twitter

@byamberphillips The Washington Post: Where Journalism Dies from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

TheLastRefuge on Twitter

(A) Do you think she knows that’s a 55 gal drum? Or (B) do you think she’s never bought Isopropyl Alcohol in the store before? …Or (C) She knows and it just intentionally lying? This should be embarrassing for @washingtonpost , but it won’t be… because this is standard now.

“I thought you were being dumb but you’re clearly just lying,” one critic said“You cropped out the picture of the 55 gallon drum, which means you knew it was that much.”

If Phillips is willing to bend the truth on “something petty like this,” another commenter asked, how can anyone trust her judgement “about the stuff that does matter,” which the average reader “can’t double check?”

The Harinator on Twitter

You seriously think a modern-day journalist can report on math? A WaPo reporter named Amber Phillips to dunk of Trump just Tweeted that isopropyl alcohol costs $2375.

Others pointed out that standard 70 percent rubbing alcohol found in medicine cabinets across the country – generally cheaper than the less common 99 percent concentration mentioned in Phillips’ tweet – is still going for its typically low price of a few cents per fluid ounce.

DLass on Twitter

@byamberphillips What a moron…🤦‍♂️

While Phillips quickly scrubbed her post after she began to take heat for the convenient crop job, she has yet to address or correct the error, carrying on with her regular tweeting as if nothing happened.

Super Journalist (Retired) – JOURN-AL of Skrypton on Twitter

So, this lying hack “journo” knew she was misleading her readers with her tweet & pic. You can clearly see she cropped pic removing 99.9 % of the 55 gallon drum thus removing context for the price. Getting so tired of this lazy dishonest partisan shit pretending to be journalism.

The brief controversy came after President Trump was criticized earlier on Thursday for suggesting it might be possible to “inject” disinfectants into coronavirus patients to combat the illness, or, alternatively, bringing “light inside the body” to achieve the same end. While the commander in chief cited a federal study to back up his musings – which concluded heat, sunlight and humidity could help to kill off the virus on certain surfaces – the research did not look into any of the above as potential treatments for those already infected.

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