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Virginia Congressional Candidate Jarome Bell is laying out his hardcore America First agenda in a new campaign ad targetting corporate outsourcers, open borders shills, and their political establishment enablers for replacing American workers with cheap foreign labor.
“In America, Chinese suppliers make up more than 70-80% of Wal Mart merchandise, leaving less than 20% for American-made products,” Bell tells viewers as the ad kicks off. “We must start repatriating manufacturing back to the United States.”
Bell is spot on about Wal Mart’s Chinese suppliers, and as a Republican hoping to take on Democrat incumbent Elaine Luria in Virginia’s 2nd District, Bell has made sticking up for the American working man and woman a centerpiece of his campaign. According to data compiled by the Alliance for American Manufacturing, Wal Mart has spent years topping the list of U.S. importers of consumer goods – enabled by sweetheart “free trade” deals passed on Capitol Hill – “surpassing the trade volume of entire countries” in foreign imports, largely originating in Communist China.
Doubling down on his America First manufacturing stance, Bell tells viewers that the Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need for American companies and corporations to break their reliance on cheap Chinese-made goods.
“This virus crisis has proven why we must all be nothing but America First and the American worker first, or we will not have a country left for our children and grandchildren. We MUST demand that ‘Made in USA’ becomes a household name once again.”
Pivoting from the manufacturing sector to the technology sector, Bell says the time is now to stop offshoring American technology and personal data, putting the vital information of American citizens in the hands of foreign companies, often acting in cahoots with their respective governments.
“We must also end the offshoring of our personal and most vital records and bring back our data from overseas in places like India, so our privacy is not up for sale. In Congress, I will sponsor bills that will not only bring our jobs back to American soil, but our data back as well.”
Closing out the ad, Bell takes aim at often abused work visa programs and open borders while taking a dig at his primary election opponent, Scott Taylor, who while previously serving the 2nd District in Congress, appeared at a George Soros-sponsored “Global Citizen” event in New York City, where he called for a massive increase in American foreign aid. Additionally, Taylor received a failing grade on multiple border security issues from Numbers USA, an immigration watchdog organization, after co-sponsoring bills giving amnesty to illegal aliens and voting for an even further increase in visas issued to foreign workers who directly compete with American citizens for American jobs.
“The American worker will come first, not cheap labor through the southern border and Asia, or from abused visa worker programs that hurt Americans and American college graduates. People of Virginia’s 2nd District, you have a choice to make on June 23rd. Will it be America First, or ‘Global Citizens’ and open borders first?”
See Bell’s Full ad below:
We MUST put America First. We MUST put America First. ALWAYS.I will NEVER apologize for putting the interests of the American Worker over the business interests of Multi-National Corporations. I'm Jarome Bell, and I'm running for Congress to defeat Elaine Luria and represent Virginia's 2nd Congressional District. Donate here:
Posted by Jarome Bell for Virginia on Saturday, May 23, 2020
The post Virginia House Candidate Pushes America First in New Ad Targeting ‘Global Citizen’ Scott Taylor appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.