Right Wing Watch and ConInc Push Conservative Non Profit to Fire Ashley Rae Goldenberg

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The Capital Research Center, a conservative non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., has severed ties with Ashley Rae Goldenberg, creator of Communism Kills, after she was targeted for months by figures in the mainstream conservative scene who are are critical of Goldenberg’s America First beliefs.

Goldenberg, a journalist, researcher, and blogger with outspoken America First opinions, has been in the cross hairs of the Beltway establishment for some time, with multiple public figures involved in neoconservative media having openly expressed negative sentiments about her on Twitter.

Included among Goldenberg’s harshest critics are current and former editors at ostensibly conservative publications such as Human Events, Newsbusters, the Washington Times, Red State, The Bulwark, and the Washington Examiner.

Context for my previous post, since I cannot add photos to an edited post.-Ian Miles Cheong, responsible for my…

Posted by Communism Kills on Sunday, December 29, 2019

After several months of protracted animosity towards Goldenberg from the conservative establishment, extreme-left website Right Wing Watch reporter Jared Holt published a hit piece on May 14 targeting Goldenberg that ultimately resulted in the latter’s exit from her position as a researcher for the Capital Research Center.

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Right Wing Watch is often used as the spearhead of left-wing corporate interest efforts to deplatform and ruin critics of the political establishment, and is often cited by mainstream conservative sources in cases of reprisal against America First public figures.

The Right Wing Watch piece, titled “Capital Research Center Employee Favorite Source for White Nationalist Smear Campaign Against Ahmaud Arbery,” lists various left-wing grievances against Goldenberg pertaining to liberal race politics and the vaguely defined, long-defunct “alt-right.”

One of the key points of the hit piece, however, is Goldenberg’s association with various America First voices who have also drawn the ire of the conservative establishment. Podcast hosts Nicholas J. Fuentes, Vincent James, and journalist Scott Greer are included in the article’s list of Goldenberg-adjacent America First activists. Fuentes, James, and Greer have all experienced deplatforming following hit pieces from establishment conservatives and Right Wing Watch.

“Former associates and conservative media industry colleagues of Goldenberg’s have expressed dismay at Goldenberg’s behavior,” Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt writes. “One such colleague, who spoke to RWW on the condition of anonymity for fear of professional retaliation, said they were surprised that Goldenberg has remained employed ​by a ​conservative Washington ​institution​, considering her unabashed public support of unsavory far-right actors.”

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Eric Owens, a former Daily Caller employee, also provided negative commentar about Goldenberg to RWW in the piece, describing her as a “terrible person.” RWW acknowledges that the story given by Owens was “unequivocally” denied by Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson.

Private social media conversations involving Goldenberg were also leaked to Right Wing Watch

“Not only do conservatives have no problem using RightWingWatch as a source to smear anyone too ‘far right,’” wrote Goldenberg. “There are mainstream conservatives working as RightWingWatch informants to out opposition.”

Goldenberg added, “Before this happened to me, I’m not sure I had ever personally seen an example of conservatives acting as informants/sources for RightWingWatch.”

“I only ever saw conservatives sharing RWW links, not creating RWW stories.”

The Capital Research Center has been funded in large part by the Koch brothers and oil interests such as Exxonmobil for some time, question whether leadership at the non-profit has more in common ideologically with establishment Republicans or President Donald Trump’s new wing of the party.

The post Right Wing Watch and ConInc Push Conservative Non Profit to Fire Ashley Rae Goldenberg appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.