‘Digital Health Passport’ Will Provide Health Data on Smartphones, Determine When Citizens Must Be Retested

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The COVI-PASS platform is designed to hold information about patients, allow or restrict them from entering certain areas and businesses, and interface with healthcare professionals. It is endorsed by former United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May.

COVI-PASS, created by British cyber security company VST Enterprises, allows healthcare providers to create COVI-PASS administrator accounts that will be approved by VST Enterprises. Then, healthcare providers can administer COVID-19 tests, then upload the data to the platform and assign an account to the patient.

The platform then monitors the patient, informing them of future visits to their doctor, and allows their information to be retrieved by scanning a QR code within the COVI-PASS smartphone app. Additionally, other healthcare providers and business leaders will be able to scan the COVI-PASS of others to determine their current medical status, including whether they are up to date on vaccinations, before allowing them to return to work or travel.

COVI-PASS will also inform patients when they must either be retested for COVID-19, or be allowed to reenter society, signaled by the app using push notifications and changing colors to inform them they must either be retested or may reenter society. If COVI-PASS users do not have a smartphone, they can be given a key fob or a printout.

According to their website, “During this global Covid-19 pandemic, the world is searching for a secure solution, to hold test, immunoresponse information, and vaccination details for now and into the future. COVI-PASS™ has been developed to be the world’s most secure Digital Health Passport solution.”

While the information on the website is primarily directed at healthcare providers, the website does also note that due to the COVI-PASS’s unique QR code, called a VCode, the COVI-PASS “could save hours for Healthcare, Businesses and social requirements, when reaching a high volume scan rate.”

The website also notes that the information gained from scanning another COVI-PASS user’s VCode is permission based, but seems to indicate that the VCode can be scanned by virtually anyone who also has the COVI-PASS.

“VCode® allows any user to gain information instantaneously on the move in both online and offline environments,” according to the websites. “Information can be distributed in various ways based on the user demographic and / or past interactions.”

Among those endorsing COVI-PASS is former United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May, who, according to the COVI-PASS website, said “I know VSTE prides itself on its ‘infinite Possibilities’ – and it is exactly that sort of optimism this country needs to power its economy.”

May continued, “Manchester’s exciting tech industry is already sparking new ideas and new businesses and VSTE will be able to spread the word.”

COVI-PASS claims to already have a series of partners both in the United Kingdom and around the world.

The post ‘Digital Health Passport’ Will Provide Health Data on Smartphones, Determine When Citizens Must Be Retested appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.