Pictured: Post-Pandemic Pod Designed For Office Slaves

An architect has unveiled a system of pods for office workers that will provide a sterile, isolated environment for each slave employee to operate within.

Welcome to the new normal, wage slave. Enter your sterile pod and get to work.

The pods, which won the DNA Paris 2020 Design Award in the ‘Responsible Design category’, have the snappy title of  ‘Q.workntine,’ and are formed in hexagonal structures, much like sections of a hive.

How fitting.

Each pod has a built-in ventilation system, with a sky light, and would only be accessible by facial recognition.

‘Remove your mask and supply a full facial scan, subject’.

There are even larger ‘executive’ pods for those who have managed to grease their way up a rung on the ladder.

The designer, Mohamed M. Radwan says on his website that “With the world under lockdown for an extended period of time, some essential businesses still has to keep at least the bare minimum of its workforce, working physically on site to provide necessary and vital supplies for the health supply chain.”

And if you need to leave the pod to take a shit, you won’t want to stay out there long:

Why not work literally in a pod? Many are already living the dream in pods:

We’re reliably informed that we’ll all be eating in pods too from now on, if we choose to leave the home pod:

Don’t say no one saw it coming!

Work in a pod, eat in a pod, live in a pod.