VIDEO: Sheriff Urges Virginia 2A Sanctuaries to Send ‘Clear Message’ As Dems Plan More Anti-Gun Laws

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Sheriffs of at least two Virginia counties have called on Second Amendment Sanctuary localities to draft resolutions reaffirming their opposition to recently implemented Democrat-sponsored gun control and confiscation laws and a series of anti-gun bills which, alongside a number of other far-left initiatives, are expected to resurface at an upcoming special legislative session in Richmond. 

At Tuesday night’s meeting of the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors, Sheriff Scott Jenkins, nationally recognized for his pro-Second Amendment stances, urged the board to reject the powers provided to them in a recently implemented gun control law signed by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, allowing for localities to ban firearms in a number of public places and to instead draft a renewed Second Amendment resolution opposing both existing and future unconstitutional power grabs.

READ MORE: Virginia Democrat Admits He Retaliated Against Sheriffs Over Their Support for Second Amendment

Jenkins expressed his hope that other counties, cities, and towns would follow suit, sending a “clear message” to Richmond, where lawmakers are expected to take another crack at a previously failed effort to ban AR-15-style rifles and magazines with a greater than 12 round capacity.

“To further the support of the 2nd amendment…we should look for the 2A counties to write a 2nd resolution and to further solidify their support of the 2nd amendment,” Jenkins told the board. “…we have enough gun laws on the books in Virginia already.”

Sheriff Scott Jenkins speaks at Culpeper's Board of Supervisors meeting July 7, 2020

"I encourage the Culpeper Board of Supervisors and all Virginia localities supporting the Second Amendment to send a clear message to Richmond in the form of resolutions declaring that they will not exercise local authority under Virginia Code 15.2-915(E). The Governor is calling a special session of the general assembly and further gun control will be a focus. Citizens should contact local and state representatives to have their voices heard. I’ll say again, if the previous bill, or similar legislation, to ban so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines is passed, I will swear in thousands of Reserve Deputy Sheriffs in Culpeper. My authority is not limited to swearing in only residents of Culpeper County and I intend to exercise my authority fully within my discretion to do so. We will need additional help with background investigations and I ask for any current or retired law enforcement officers interested in volunteering their time to assist in screening of new Reserve Deputies to please contact our office beginning July 20, 2020. Point of contact info will be provided on our Facebook and website at that time.Please contact your state senator and delegate and voice your opinions on their stated intentions."-Sheriff Scott Jenkins■Video excerpt from Culpeper Media Network's live coverage of the BOS meeting from 7/7/20.

Posted by Culpeper County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, July 8, 2020

As Sheriff Jenkins mentioned in his comments to the board, Grayson County Sheriff Richard Vaughan, who like Jenkins has cited his oath to the United States Constitution in backing 2nd Amendment sanctuary efforts, is also pushing for a new resolution in his home county.

READ MORE: Virginia County Brings Firearm Training Back to Public Schools

“VCDL is encouraging all Second Amendment Sanctuaries to pass the following resolution. I agree!” Vaughan wrote in a July 6th Facebook post where he provided readers with a draft copy of the resolution Grayson County Board members plan to consider.

VCDL is encouraging all Second Amendment Sanctuaries to pass the following resolution. I agree! DRAFT – RESOLUTION OF…

Posted by 2A Sheriff Richard A. Vaughan on Monday, July 6, 2020

The post VIDEO: Sheriff Urges Virginia 2A Sanctuaries to Send ‘Clear Message’ As Dems Plan More Anti-Gun Laws appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.