Candace Owens Says Leftist Amazon Workers Are Intentionally Damaging Her Books Before Shipping To Buyers

Conservative Commentator Candace Owens has presented evidence suggesting that Amazon is deliberately damaging her books before shipping them out to people who have placed orders online.

Owens says that close to 1000 people have complained to her that her book Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation arrived in various states of ruin from Amazon.

“Dear [Amazon]. About 1,000 people have written to let me know that your employees appear to be stomping on and in this case, smearing Vaseline on my books before mailing them,” Owens tweeted, adding  “I know it must have pained you to ship out all 90,000 copies you had in stock— but this is unacceptable.”

Owens noted that she had more than an inkling of who was behind the damage, tweeting “The pettiness will do nothing to thwart sales. Let’s try to get the next 100,000 that I plan to sell out of your warehouse, treated with a bit more respect by the looney lefties packing the product, please.”

Amazon has not commented on the matter at time of writing.

Owens’ book is proving immensely popular, reaching number 2 on the Barnes & Noble best seller list:

Owens recently raged against “pea-brained celebrities” who have enabled “racist,” “anti-cop” rhetoric by throwing their support behind extremists using the label Black Lives Matter.

“Why does this happen?” Owens asked in a tweet, further explaining “Because pea-brained celebrities that are idolized like [LeBron James] tell young black men that they are ‘literally being hunted.’”

“This is the natural result of such hyperbolic, dishonest rhetoric,” Owens urged.

“The racist, anti-police, black lives matter LIE is to blame,” she asserted.