VIDEO: ‘Get Your Booty To The Poll’ Campaign With Music, Strippers Targets Black Voters

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A new video and campaign released by two Atlanta filmmakers with the help of a GoFundMe fundraiser instructs black Americans to “get your booty to the poll,” then offers a series of radical leftist talking points, popularized by Black Lives Matter in recent months, as incentives to vote for lesser known seats like state attorney general.

The video opens to roughly 20 seconds of a rapping the lyrics “get your booty to the poll” while scantily clad black women move provocatively on an exotic dancing pole. After the opening dance routine, the woman began chastising the viewer for deciding not to vote.

“Did we get your attention? Good,” said one of the women, still dressed provocatively, before another questioned, “So you’re really not going to vote?”

“You know it’s more than just the president on the ballot,” asked another. “Check it.”

“A district attorney decides who to prosecute, including whether or not to go after dirty cops,” said a fourth, before a fifth added “Do you know who elects the DA. We do. But you don’t want to vote.”

Later in the video another Black Lives Matter talking point, cash bail, is referenced.

“Want to end cash bail?” Asked one dancer, to which another replied “Well then vote for the sheriffs and county officials who feel the same way you do.”

The two Atlanta filmmakers raised over $11,000 to create what they call a public service announcement that they hoped would go viral in the black community and inspire more black males to vote Democrat in November. The video has just over 16,000 views on YouTube at the time of publication.

From their GoFundMe:

The campaign isn’t your typical talking head PSA. It features several Atlanta-based exotic dancers doing their most impressive pole work, and instead of it raining cash, it will be raining ballots! The idea of the campaign is to have the audience think it’s a typical music video, but then the dancers talk to the camera, explaining why it’s important to vote, and how who we elect impacts our community. Every spot ends with the dancers saying our tagline, “Get your booty to the poll!” Our research tells us that most people don’t vote because they don’t understand the specifics of how who they vote for can impact their day to day lives, so we want to educate in a way that’s fun, flirty, conversational and — most important — shareable.

On the Get Your Booty To The Poll Facebook page, the group specifically states they “want more Black men from the south, to vote in November, so we decided to shoot something fun, informative and sharable to spread the message.”

Strangely, the official Get Your Booty To The Poll website does not mention specifically targeting black male voters. Instead the website uses millennial and black slang to deliver a persuasive message in favor of registering to vote and offers resources to help individuals learn about candidates running in their area.

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