CHARLIE KIRK: Trump Campaign Should ‘Hire A Gay Black Actor’ To Cry So FBI Will Investigate Voter Fraud

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On the Friday episode of the eponymous Charlie Kirk Show, Kirk compared the FBI’s rapid response to the fake hate crime committed by Jussie Smollett, an openly homosexual actor who provoked a massive police and FBI investigation after claiming he was attacked  by white men wearing Make America Great Again hats shouting “This is MAGA country” in Chicago at 2 a.m., to the FBI’s complete disinterest in the bombshell cases of voter fraud uncovered by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the Trump campaign’s legal team.

Kirk first clumsily cited National File’s reporting on a “do-over” election Democrats successfully achieved in 2018 in North Carolina. Democrats claimed, despite having zero evidence, that Republicans engaged in illegal ballot harvesting, a form of fraud in North Carolina, and successfully convinced a judge to throw out the results of the midterm election.

Kirk then said that, while there was no evidence uncovered in North Carolina, he commended the quick and thorough investigation by both the authorities in the media. Kirk also noted that, specifically, the FBI has been questionably absent following the November elections.

“Now maybe what the Trump campaign needs is a Jussie Smollett to start crying on camera, and maybe a federal investigation will take place,” said Kirk, before playing a clip of Smollett crying on camera as he lied about the fictional attack on national television.

“Maybe that’s how you get a federal investigation in this country,” said Kirk. “Maybe the Trump campaign needs to go hire a gay black actor that pretends there’s a hate crime against him because he couldn’t vote and suddenly a federal investigation will appear.”

“The point is this: FBI agents ran to Chicago to look into this, and we can’t get a singular bureau agent to look into Dane County, despite all the evidence.”

Last week Giuliani and Sidney Powell laid out their comprehensive case for vast voter fraud throughout the country in a press conference, alleging that both massive amounts of traditional voter fraud, as well as sophisticated vote changing using Dominion Voting Systems software and hardware resulted in a large scale theft of the election from President Donald Trump.

Earlier today members of the Department of Justice met with the Trump administration to discuss accusations of voter fraud and have remained silent on the content of the meeting and any further action.

The post CHARLIE KIRK: Trump Campaign Should ‘Hire A Gay Black Actor’ To Cry So FBI Will Investigate Voter Fraud appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.