VIDEO: Trump Protesters Rally At CNN’s Atlanta Headquarters, Shout ‘CNN Sucks’ As Network Claims Biden Is President-Elect

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Supporters of President Donald Trump have descended on Atlanta, Georgia as the state government, led by Republican Governor Brian Kemp, continue to move toward certifying the Georgia election despite multiple ongoing lawsuits and the Trump campaign’s clear evidence of fraud and irregularities. Today, thousands of Trump supporters gathered outside CNN’s headquarters to tell their own stories about the cable news network’s dishonest journalism.

One video went viral on Saturday simply showing thousands of Trump supporters, wearing iconic Make America Great Again hats and holding Trump and American flags, shout “CNN Sucks” while being led by a speaker.

Several prominent Trump supporters and at least one Georgia legislator spoke to the crowd. Vernon Jones, a state legislator and former Democrat who switched parties and endorsed President Trump earlier this year, delivered a speech condemning CNN and its reporting on Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

“If this was Black Lives Matter burning and looting, they would be out here wouldn’t they? If this was Antifa setting the place on fire, they’d be out here right now wouldn’t they,” said Jones. “They don’t want to cover this, you know why? Because we would changes the masses’ minds across this country.”

“One thing Donald Trump did, not only did he expose fake news, but he also exposed the fact now that they’re hiding the damn news, and they’ve been hiding it for years.”

#WalkAway movement leader Brandon Straka shamed CNN as well, at one point leading a chant of “Shame on you,” admonishing the cable news network’s coverage. After delivering another brief speech, the crowd erupted in “It’s time for you to go” and “shame on you” chants again.

The rally at CNN’s headquarter is one of at least two held in Atlanta today with a collection of pro-Trump media and social media personalities, including Brick Suit Man who appeared at both the #WalkAway event at CNN’s headquarters and a second event held at the State Capitol building.

The post VIDEO: Trump Protesters Rally At CNN’s Atlanta Headquarters, Shout ‘CNN Sucks’ As Network Claims Biden Is President-Elect appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.