Trump Team SLAMS Barr For Denying Election Fraud, Says He Lacks ‘Any Knowledge or Investigation’

Moments after Attorney General Bill Barr denied evidence of election fraud that could have affected the media’s preferred outcome in the 2020 presidential election, Trump legal team spearheads Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani released a state slamming Barr “with all due respect.”

Barr told the Associated press on Tuesday that “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

“With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation,” the Trump legal team statement reads. “We have gathered ample evidence of illegal voting in at least six states, which they have not examined. We have many witnesses swearing under oath they saw crimes being committed in connection with voter fraud.”

READ MORE: Bill Barr’s Ties To Epstein Resurface After He Claims Pedophile Committed Suicide

The statement then took shots at Barr for his slothful inaction on investigating voting irregularities: “As far as we know, not a single one has been interviewed by the DOJ. The Justice Department also hasn’t audited any voting machines or used their subpoena powers to determine the truth.”

“Nonetheless, we will continue our pursuit of the truth through the judicial system and state legislatures, and continue toward the Constitution’s mandate and ensuring that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is not,” the statement concluded. “Again, with the greatest respect to the Attorney General, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud.”

While Barr claims there is no evidence of widespread election fraud, there is evidence of his family’s ties to deceased international pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, as reported by National File:

Attorney General William Barr emphatically dismissed “conspiracy theories” regarding the death of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s death in an interview last week.

However, Barr’s family connections to Epstein – dating back to the 1970s – cast a looming shadow of doubt over his handling of the pedophile financier’s suicide investigation.

Barr’s knowledge of Epstein seems to stretch back much farther than his own stint at a law firm.

Bill Barr’s father Donald Barr hired 21-year-old, college dropout Jeffrey Epstein to teach at the Dalton prep school in New York during the former’s tenure as school headmaster.

The hiring of Epstein was not Donald Barr’s only brush with an individual involved in sex trafficking. In fact, he wrote a book about it.

Barr’s 1973 science fiction novel “Space Relations: A Slighty Gothic Interplanetary Tale” details a setting on the planet Kossar where “boredom and absolute power have driven the rulers to a special kind of madness.”

National File’s full investigation into the Barr family’s peculiar relationship with Epstein can be read in full here.