National File can confirm Wednesday that Trump supporters have gained control of Senate chambers and halls, and went on declare “Trump won” from the same chair previously used by Mike Pence to accept electoral votes from battleground states with widespread reports of election fraud.
They’re in the chamber. One is up on the dais yelling “Trump won that election!” This is insane
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) January 6, 2021
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JUST IN – Protesters dressed in Viking clothing occupy the U.S.
Protesters clad in traditional Viking garb went on to secure the halls of the building, striking an imposing presence in front of Metro riot police.
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JUST IN – Protesters dressed in Viking clothing occupy the U.S.
Additionally, Trump supporters have breached the offices of prominent elected officials such as Nancy Pelosi, and have settled into the new surroundings, chanting “Whose house? Our House?” and “America First:
As National File reported, patriots, angry at the betrayal of President Trump by Mike Pence, have fully stormed the Capitol Building in DC, with police admitting that they have lost control.
Elijah Schaffer, a reporter for Blaze TV who is on the ground, has managed to gain access to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office “with the thousands of revolutionaries who have stormed the building.” Schaffer said that staff evacuated the building so quickly, “emails are still on the screen along side a federal alert warning members of the current revolution.”
Footage from livestreamer Baked Alaska shows protesters sitting in lawmaker’s chairs and using Senate phones to demand free and fair elections.