BREAKING: Jack Dorsey Says Next Twitter Purge Will Be ‘Much Bigger’ Than Just Donald Trump, And ‘It’s Going To Go On For Much Longer’

A new video released by Project Veritas that was reportedly recorded by a whistleblower inside Twitter shows CEO Jack Dorsey telling staff that the platform’s censorship policies are going to be “much bigger” than simply banning President Donald Trump, and will “go on for much longer” as part of a “much broader approach” to restricting non-liberal speech.

“We know we are focused on one account right right now,” Dorsey says, referencing the since-banned account of President Trump, “But this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks and go on beyond the inauguration.”

“We have to expect that, we have to be ready for that, and how it ties to real-world violence,” Dorsey adds, “but also we need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time.”

The Twitter CEO goes on to say, “I don’t think this is going away anytime soon, and the moves that we’re making today around uh Qanon for instance, one such example of a much broader approach that we should be looking at and going deeper on.”

Dorsey concluded by declaring that “our role is to protect the integrity of that conversation, and do what we can to make sure that no one is being harmed based off that.”

While Dorsey claims that his platforms top priority is focusing on the threat of “real-world violence,” in actuality he has donated $11 million to the Bail Project, whose employees were caught on video handing out supplies to violent Black Lives Matter rioters in Louisville, Kentucky in September:

National File reported today that an employee of the Bail Project, Holly Zoller, was caught handing out shields and other equipment to potential rioters from a U-Haul truck in Louisville, Kentucky.

The organisation that Zoller works for, the Bail Project, opposes cash bail, and claims that paying bail for those in jail is an “act of resistance against a system that criminalizes race and poverty.”

The Bail Project has been funded by the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey. In June, Dorsey’s #startsmall intiative teamed up with Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation, to donate $11 million to organisations that “advance racial equity, with a focus on criminal justice and policing reform.” The Bail Project was a recipient of these funds, along with Black Lives Matter.

Dorsey defended his platform’s decision to ban non-liberal speech and conservative accounts this week by claiming, “If folks do not agree with our rules and enforcement, they can simply go to another internet service.”