SUBVERSION: Bill Barr Told Trump Election Fraud Claims Were ‘Bulls**t,’ Protected BLM Rioters From Insurrection Act, And Blocked Snowden Pardon

A new report from left-wing outlet Axios details multiple instances of former Attorney General Bill Barr actively working to ensure that President Trump’s political agenda failed on multiple fronts, including suppression of violent left-wing riots and protecting election integrity. National File has previously reported on Barr’s questionable background and behavior during his tenure in the Trump administration.

Though the Axios piece vigorously portrays Trump in a negative light while glorifying Barr, the anecdotes contained within are nonetheless damning for the former AG.

Following breaking news that Barr had denied election fraud, Trump reportedly summoned Barr to demand an explanation.

“The stuff that these people are filling your ear with just isn’t true,” Barr allegedly told the President. “It’s just bulls**t.” Pressed by Trump, Barr admitted that he had not even watched the Michigan Senate hearing on election fraud.

Barr’s slothful response to widespread reports of election report would later be noted in a scathing rebuke from the Trump legal team.

Earlier in the year, Barr reportedly undermined the President’s desire to use the military to quell mass looting and rioting by Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants that ravaged myriad American cities throughout the summer.

President Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act and make a show of strength which would force the looters off American streets in August, but Barr pushed back against the idea with help from Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

An exasperated Trump reportedly banged his hand on the Resolute Desk and stated, “No one gives me any f**king support!”

Shortly before Trump confirmed that Barr would be gone by Christmas, the AG preemptively moved to block the President from pardoning National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden.

In response to the news, Snowden tweeted on Monday “If you judge a man by his enemies, I’m doing pretty well.”

National File has previously reported on Barr’s family ties to the late pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, which included the hiring of Epstein to a teaching position at Dalton prep school by Barr’s father, and Barr’s recusal from the Epstein case after admitting that “one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm I subsequently joined for a period of time.”