BREAKING: Mike Pence Will Not Attend Trump’s Farewell Event, Opts To Attend Biden Inauguration Instead

Vice President Mike Pence will not be attending President Donald Trump’s sendoff event on Jan. 20, opting instead to cozy up to to Democrat President-elect Joe Biden during the day’s inauguration proceedings, alongside Senate GOP leadership. The Republican establishment’s decision to snub Trump comes as a particularly stinging blow to the lame duck President after he repeatedly attempted to appease them in Tuesday’s farewell address.

Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, have all expressed eagerness and excitement over the upcoming policies of the Biden regime, with McConnell already drafting plans to work with the new administration in a bipartisan manner.

For his part, Pence has already severed ties with President Trump according to most reports. After his decision to send in the National Guard on Jan. 6 after consulting with Congressional Democrats behind the President’s back, Pence went on to praise the Capitol police and Secret Service for brutalizing pro-Trump protesters and killing 14-year military veteran Ashli Babbitt.

National File reported earlier this year on exclusive audio that revealed Pence had been plotting to betray Trump since 2016, while the pair were still campaigning in the general election:

In the audio, the Trump-Pence staffer reveals that Pence was approached by Priebus and Republican Party Chairs from a critical mass of states, and agreed to take President Trump’s position at the top of the ticket.

“Have you heard the story about Reince Priebus and the attempted coup,” the staffer began.

“They had contacted enough state chairmen, they were going to do something under the rules to change candidates,” said the Trump-Pence campaign staffer. “They were pressuring Pence to say, ‘Okay I’m good with it.’”

The staffer indicated that Karen Pence played a large role in pushing Pence to join the “coup.”

President Donald Trump will not be attending the Biden inauguration event on Jan. 20.