VIDEO: ‘He Was Celebrating’, Said Press Sec, Excusing Joe’s Lawless Refusal To Wear Face Mask On Federal Property

Joe Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki declared that it was fine that the Democrat refused to follow his own executive order, signed only hours before, when he did not wear a mask on federal property, because “he was celebrating”, apparently indicating that the China virus is compassionate enough to recognize when it should take a day off.

Biden was roundly criticized for immediately breaking the law by violating the executive order he signed only hours before, which mandates that all Americans must wear face masks at all times when on federal property. He and his family did not wear them when they visited the Lincoln Memorial.

Surprisingly, a member of the mainstream media asked Psaki, “Why weren’t President Biden and all members of the Biden family masked at all times on federal lands last night if he signed an executive order that mandates masks on federal lands at all times.”

“I think, Steve, he was celebrating an evening of a historic day in our country,” said Psaki. “Certainly he signed the mask mandate because it’s a way to send a message to the American public about the importance of wearing masks.”

When the reporter pushed back, citing Joe Biden’s own statements about the “power of our example,” and asking whether she believed it set a good example for Biden to refuse to wear a mask at the Lincoln Memorial only hours after mandating all Americans to wear them, Psaki quickly pushed back.

“Was that a good example for people watching?” asked the reporter.

“Well Steve, I think the power of his example is also in the message he sends by signing 25 executive orders,” she dodged.