Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes New Election Integrity Measures – Wants To Ban Mail-In Voting

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing new measures in election security, including the banning of…

Delivery driver is sacked for refusing to wear a mask inside his own lorry

Delivery driver is sacked for refusing to wear a mask inside his own lorry

Our Descent Into Collective Madness

The height of our collective madness is the current cancel culture

Joe Biden’s ‘War on Women’: Equality Act to End Legal Recognition of Biological Sex

Joe Biden’s ‘War on Women’: Equality Act to End Legal Recognition of Biological Sex

Fauci Opposed ‘Draconian’ Ebola Quarantines For His Colleagues In 2014, Warned Of ‘Unintended Consequences’

Biden's chief medical adviser signaled that quarantines fail to treat people "with respect" and could make…

Coca-Cola Forces Employees To Take ‘White Fragility’ Author’s Course On How To Be ‘Less White’

Employees had to take the mandatory course on LinkedIn according to a whistleblower

OBSESSED: House Dems Introduce Bill To Ban Naming Federal Buildings After Trump, Erecting Statues In His Honor

The bill would also prevent Trump from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

WOW! Australian Media Runs Segment on Joe Biden’s Dementia! — Something the Poisonous US Media Still Lies About

Australian reporter Cory Bernardi is the first mainstream host to report on Joe Biden’s obvious dementia…

This Diary from the Great Depression Is Like Reading a Modern-Day Newsfeed

By Fabian Ommar During times like these, keeping close tabs on events unfolding is critical. It’s…

Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Increased Government Power Means Less Individual Freedom

By PFW News A new poll shows the American public believes that as government grows more…

Breaking Update from Attorney Lin Wood on SCOTUS Lawsuits – Supreme Court Set to Consider Whether Trump Voter Fraud Cases Can Proceed

The US Supreme Court was set to consider President Trump’s voter fraud cases in Pennsylvania, Georgia…

Rep. Anthony Sabatini Introduces Legislation To Make Florida ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’

The resolution would make Florida the fifth state to become a 2A sanctuary

Clueless Biden Shuffles Through Pfizer Plant with Two Masks on His Face (VIDEO)

Joe Biden traveled to Portage, Michigan on Friday to tour the Pfizer vaccine facility. A Covid…

“If We Had an Election for Him Tomorrow, He’d Lose in a Landslide” – 3 More Kentucky GOP County Leaders Call on Mitch McConnell to Step Down

The Nelson County Republican Party wrote Senator Mitch McConnell on Tuesday demanding he immediately resign from…

Racial and Immigrant Justice Groups Sue Government for Records of COVID-19 Data Surveillance

Just Futures Law, MediaJustice, Mijente, Immigrant Defense Project and Electronic Frontier Foundation say public must know…