REPORT: Jared Kushner Is No Longer Part Of President Trump’s Political Orbit

A report from the often-unreliable CNN claims that President Donald Trump has ejected Jared Kushner, the husband of his daughter Ivanka Trump, from his political orbit. This follows years of Republicans questioning whether the left-leaning son-in-law, who championed Middle East peace deals and criminal justice reform during his time in the Trump administration, truly shared his father-in-law’s America First vision.

According to the left leaning cable news outlet, Kushner “was notably not on the list of advisers assisting the former President” in the days leading up to President Trump’s CPAC speech. “Kushner, who previously served as chief adviser-cum-micromanager with far-reaching responsibilities and had virtual carte blanche, has tapped out, say several people who worked closely with Kushner at the White House or are familiar with his thinking and told CNN on background in order to maintain relationships.”

Interestingly, CNN suggested the decision may not have been made by President Trump, but instead by Kushner himself, as part of a wider decision to abandon his four year foray into politics. “Right now, he’s just checked out of politics,” CNN reported one person close to the Trump family saying, under condition of anonymity. Another suggested Kushner is focusing on spending “some much needed time with his family.”

However, CNN ultimately notes that it is unclear whether Kushner’s absence was influenced by a decision made by either party, or whether Kushner is simply attempting to resume his private life outside the administration.

Recently, Gab CEO Andrew Torba noted that Kushner, Dan Scavino, and and Brad Parscale – all alumni of President Trump’s political campaigns or administration – approached both Gab and Parler and tried to arrange to purchase some of the respective platforms in exchange for President Trump creating an account. When both Gab and Parler refused, they convinced President Trump not to join the upstart platforms.

Torba also revealed that “The only reason [Trump]’s not using [Gab] right now to contact his base is because dopey advisers like Jared Kushner, who lost him the election, are blocking him from using it.”

Similarly, last year it was reported that, as President Trump’s campaign briefly struggled to find its footing during the months-long George Floyd riots that rocked the United States to its foundation, the President began regretting following Kushner’s advice, reportedly referring to it as “Jared’s woke sh*t” after seeing many of the policies championed by Kushner castigated by Tucker Carlson on his nightly program. National File reported:

Axios reported Wednesday that sources inside the White House say Trump wants “no more of Jared’s woke sh*t,” after several weeks of abysmal polling for the administration that indicates an uphill battle in the 2020 election, and no net increase in black voters.

Trump reportedly now realizes that going along with Kushner’s “police reform” and “criminal justice reform” initiatives has hurt him politically.

Kushner’s relentless push for policy alignment with left-wing causes such as Black Lives Matter may now face stiff resistance from the President, particularly after Kushner was called out by name by Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Carlson, who became the most-watched cable news host of all time during the month of June, has repeatedly praised Trump’s instincts while contrasting said instincts unfavorably with Kushner’s policies, and the end result of enacting them.

It was recently reported that Kushner and Ivanka Trump have permanently relocated to Florida, and are currently staying in a posh condominium until they complete construction on a home in a remote community.