BIZARRE: Kamala Harris Cackles Hysterically While Discussing Parents Who Can’t Afford Good Schools

Vice President Kamala Harris abruptly broke into uncontrollable peals of hysterical laughter while discussing the plight of parents who cannot afford to send their children to school. Harris’ outburst was met with apparent bewilderment by the audience, which clapped awkwardly instead of joining Harris in her high-pitched cackle at the plight of American families.

“More people are seeing that yeah, affordable child care is a big deal,” Harris said. “More parents are seeing the value of educators when they had to bring their kids…”

She then trailed off into uncontrollable peals of high-pitched laughter.


Harris’ laughter drew comparisons to Joaquin Phoenix’s character in the film Joker (2019), who bursts into maniacal laughter at inopportune moments due to a medical condition.

President Joe Biden has previously referred to cackling sidekick Harris as “President Harris,” as reported by National File:

In a brief public appearance this afternoon, President Joe Biden once again referred to his Vice President, Kamala Harris, as “President Harris”.

“When President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona,” Biden said, pausing briefly after referring to Harris as the President, perhaps realizing he made a mistake.

“Even POTUS realizes he’s not the one in control, refers to VP as ‘President Harris,” wrote the MRCTV Twitter account.

In December, while the election was still being contested by President Donald Trump, Biden previously referred to Harris as “President-elect Harris.” This was described as simply his “latest gaffe” by the international media.