VIDEO: Biden Says Unvaccinated People Will ‘Pay The Price,’ Begs Them To ‘Respect’ Mask Wearers

U.S. President and pro-mask zealot Joe Biden is not backing down from his administration’s battle against scientific consensus, begging Americans to “respect” those who continue to wear face masks in public even after the Center for Disease Control ruled that masks are completely unnecessary for the vaccinated last week.

The President also appeared to threaten unvaccinated people, claiming that they will “pay the price” for not receiving one of the four controversial Covid vaccines.

“Last week the CDC announced that if you’re fully vaccinated, you no longer have to wear a mask,” Biden said. “The science now shows that your vaccination protects you as well as being masked, or better than being masked, so you can protect yourself from serious illness from Covid by being vaccinated, or wearing a mask until you’re fully vaccinated.”

Contrary to Biden’s claims, research has shown that masks provide nowhere near the amount of protection from the virus as the vaccines, doing nothing to protect the wearer and, in some cases, actually making it easier to spread virus particles.

“As I said last week, some people may want to continue to wear a mask, even if they are fully vaccinated,” Biden added. “That’s a decision they can make. Some businesses may want to continue to require wearing masks. Let’s all be kind and respectful to one another as we come out of this pandemic and respect those who want to continue to wear a mask, even if they’ve been vaccinated.”

Biden then went on to disparage and threaten the unvaccinated: “If the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will protect themselves and unvaccinated people around them. If they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates go up, may see this progress reversed. Ultimately, those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price.”

Biden did not elaborate on what “price” he believes will be paid by unvaccinated people.