EXCLUSIVE: Jarome Bell Blasts Democrat Opponent Elaine Luria for Joining Pelosi’s January 6 Witch Hunt Committee

America First conservative and Republican candidate for Congress, Jarome Bell is blasting incumbent Democrat Elaine Luria for joining Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked committee to investigate the mostly peaceful January 6 protests on Capitol Hill, saying Luria and fellow committee members should be investigated for treason and are part of a coup against the American people and their duly elected leader.

The creation of Pelosi’s committee comes after an effort to form a similar one failed in the Senate, with opponents calling the investigation sought by Democrats a witch hunt, and comparing it to the fruitless, highly politicized Mueller investigation. According to Pelosi, the committee will ensure that as many American citizens as possible who stood up for election integrity are brought to justice.

In addition to Luria, of Virginia’s battleground 2nd District, the 8-member committee includes far-left Representative Adam Schiff and five other Democrats. Disgraced ex-Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney is the committee’s lone Republican member, allowing Democrats and their mainstream media allies to label the investigation “bipartisan.”

In announcing her place on the committee, Luria compared the investigation to a battle against foreign terrorists and claimed that the American citizens who protested against the certification of contested election results are the “enemies foreign and domestic” that she swore an oath against as a member of the military and of Congress. Luria continued to compare the American people to foreign terrorists in a subsequent interview with CNN, likening the Pelosi committee to the 9/11 commission.

Jarome Bell, a retired Navy Chief and outspoken American First conservative seeking the Republican nod to take on Luria in 2022, blasted her participation on the committee, accusing the Democrat of working for “Nancy Pelosi and her puppet masters,” and not the people of Virginia’s 2nd District in a statement to National File.

“Once I beat Luria, she needs to be investigated for treason and participating in a coup against the duly elected President of the United States,” Bell told National File after news broke that Luria had accepted a spot on Pelosi’s committee. “Her participation on this committee shows she doesn’t represent the people, but only Nancy Pelosi and her puppet masters.”

Bell also warned that his establishment-backed primary race opponent, Jen Kiggans, would offer voters much of the same should they choose to send her to Washington, pointing to her frequent collaboration with the far-left in Richmond as proof that she can’t be trusted by conservative voters. “Jen Kiggans would be no better,” Bell said. “Check her state voting record.”