During the Arizona State Senate hearing on election integrity on Thursday, private auditing firm Cyber Ninjas introduced evidence showing that a “bunch” of Arizona ballots contained duplicated serial numbers, an aberration that should never have occurred in what has been dubbed “the most secure election in American history” by corporate media.
“Serial numbers should really be unique,” Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan stated during Thursday’s hearing, accompanied by a slide showcasing evidence of ballots with multiple serial numbers. “There should be one original ballot with a serial number, and one ballot, which is the duplicate of it, with the same serial number. When you look at this chart the first column is the box ID, that’s the box it came out. Then you look at the next column and that’s what the type is – DUP means it’s a duplicate, DSD means it is actually the original ballot. And you’ll notice that the last column is a serial number, but they’re in groups of three, which shouldn’t really happen.”
JUST IN: Cyber Ninjas expert says "We have a bunch of ballots that also don't have any serial numbers on them" pic.twitter.com/AkWrJ2CHP5
— National File (@NationalFile) July 15, 2021
Logan continued, “And so, we have a whole bunch of ballots that also don’t have any serial numbers on them, so it’s quite possible that for the second one with the same serial number, there’s another one that matches up with it that literally doesn’t have a serial number on it, but it creates a lot of time and difficulty in resolving these issues when it was not done in a manner where it’s easy to match up and really, according to my understanding of what statute is, and what statute states.”
The Cyber Ninjas CEO concluded, “And there may be some explanation as to how and why serial numbers get duplicated, it doesn’t seem like a good practice any way that you look at it, but if it’s well documented, and there’s some easy way for things to be audited, then you’re in good shape. But that’s one of the problems that we’ve run into is that so many of the issues we’ve encountered through things, makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to audit things.”