Owen Shroyer, the conservative reporter and host of the Infowars War Room who was charged criminally yesterday for the crime of standing outside the U.S. Capitol during the mostly peaceful Capitol Hill protests on January 6, has launched a legal defense fund on GoFundMe to fight back against the Biden regime’s persecution.
As National File previously reported, Shroyer was charged using images of him standing outside the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and must turn himself in by Monday, August 23. “I plan on declaring my innocence of these charges,” Shroyer said on the Friday broadcast of the War Room. He added, “I probably shouldn’t be on the air.”
Shroyer was photographed standing near the U.S. Capitol in his capacity as a reporter. Some of the images circulated by leftists, showing Shroyer near the U.S. Capitol, appear to be from when talk radio legend Alex Jones urged the crowd to act peacefully, and move to an area where a permit for peaceful assembly had been granted.
Shroyer appears to have retained well respected lawyer Norm Pattis, who has been described in the media as “brilliant and audacious” and “America fiercest trial lawyer.” Quoted in the GoFundMe, Pattis said, “This prosecution is a frontal assault on the First Amendment.” He added, “We intend to fight it as though the rights of every American to speak out, assemble and petition for redress of grievances are at stake because, in fact, those rights are in jeopardy.”
At the time of publication, Shroyer’s GoFundMe had raised over $7,000 from 156 donors. Shroyer confirmed the authenticity of the GoFundMe to National File.
On the same day Shroyer was charged, the FBI admitted through the media that there was “scant” evidence anyone directly organized the January 6 protests, specifically clearing Jones and Roger Stone, the long time political consultant and advisor to President Donald Trump. “There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages,” said one law enforcement source to Yahoo News. Only a few hours later, Shroyer was charged with standing outside the U.S. Capitol.