73-Year-Old Alice Cooper Visits Maricopa County To Shill For COVID Booster Shots

Rock singer Alice Cooper, 73, visited Maricopa County, Arizona to push for Arizonans to receive a third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. In his appearance, Cooper said that his band must get vaccinated before they can go on tour, and instructed his fans to get vaccinated so they could attend his events.

The 73-year-old musician, who was born Vincent Damon Furnier, appeared before a yellow Maricopa County Department of Public Health, hair bedraggled, wearing a striped t shirt to urge Arizonans to receive a third dose of the vaccine. “Alice Cooper visited our COVID-19 vaccination clinic,” wrote Maricopa County officials on Twitter. While Cooper specifically urged Arizonans to receive a third dose of the controversial vaccine, the officials wrote, “If you still need your first or second dose, now is a great time to get it.”

In the video, Cooper said, “Just came down to get my booster shot, I’ve already got two shots.” He added, “It’s time to get one, we’re going out on tour so we have to get shots, that’s fine. Get immunized so you can come to the concert, and I’ll see you at there.” Cooper then showed his arm, and said, “See that? I wear it with pride.” (READ MORE: Pfizer Is Now Developing A Twice-Per-Day COVID Pill That Must Be Taken Alongside Vaccines)

Cooper has been publicly urging people to get vaccinated for some time, despite contracting COVID-19 himself last December and thus likely having antibodies that immunize him against the virus. “‘Oh, wait a minute, I feel almost normal now,’” said Cooper of his experience with COVID-19. “But it does take it out of you. I mean, it’s like pneumonia. It takes a while to get your sea legs back under you.”

The statements from the 73-year-old rocker stand in sharp contrast to those of 76-year-old guitar legend Eric Clapton, who has become a vocal opponent of costly and unscientific COVID-19 lockdowns and discriminatory vaccine mandates. Earlier this year, Clapton announced that he would refuse to perform at any venue that required audience members to provide proof of vaccination, and last week Clapton released a new COVID-19 protest song, “This Has Gotta Stop.”