In a leaked memo obtained by rival left-wing media corporation CNN, Fox News’ Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer Kevin Lord bragged that “more than 90% of our full-time employees reported that they are fully vaccinated,” and announced future plans to force unvaccinated employees to undergo daily COVID testing before being allowed to access Fox News facilities.
“Following our request for employees to upload their vaccination status in our secure system, we are pleased to share that more than 90% of our full-time employees reported that they are fully vaccinated,” the memo read. “This is important information for our company to know as we continue to implement our phased return to office timing and procedures.”
Lord’s memo continued, “Soon we will introduce another important health and safety measure for access to our facilities – daily COVID testing for the small group of employees who are not vaccinated or have not provided their vaccination status. Additional details about this protocol will be shared with the relevant employees in the near future.”
“We appreciate your continued cooperation as we work together in the best interests of our shared well-being,” Lord concluded in the memo. “Thank you for being a valued FOX team member as an exciting fall season across our business is already underway.”
Lord’s LinkedIn profile describes him as being “Skilled in executive coaching, culture transformation, diversity and inclusion, recruiting and total rewards.”
Though Fox News is often painted as a bastion of right-wing conspiracy and fascism by its extreme-left competitors, the corporation has fallen out of favor with a large portion of conservative audiences following mixed messaging sent from its television hosts and executives on the issues of election integrity, grassroots dissent against political elitism, and mask and vaccine mandates.