Wendy Rogers Nets Nearly 1 Million Signatures Calling To Decertify Arizona Election Ahead Of Audit Results

Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers has gathered nearly 1 million signatures for her petition to decertify the 2020 election in Arizona ahead of tomorrow’s highly anticipated release of the full Arizona Audit.

“We have 987k signatures on our petition to #Decertify the Election,” wrote Rogers on Twitter yesterday. “Just 13k away from 1 million.” Rogers added that “People laughed at us when I said I want 1 million signatures. The #AZAudit comes out on [Friday]. Let’s hit 1 million before then.”

The growth of Rogers petition has been astronomical. Just over one month ago, on August 9, 2021, National File reported that the petition had already exceeded expectations of skeptics with 100,000 signatures.

“We have 107,918 signatures now,” Rogers posted to Twitter at the time. “Over 10% there. I want to have 1 million signatures to show support for decertification. Please share this and also send to everyone you know.” At the time, Rogers’ website was struggling to cope with the massive interest in the petition.

As Media Right News reported in August, Rogers’ website at one point went down from the traffic overload, but came back on line after hosting servers were upgraded. “My decertify petition is back up! We upgraded servers & it took a while for the IP address to update,” Rogers announced. “Keep checking back if still having issues. We are up to 36,302 signatures – let’s get it to 1 million! I will report the number during my TV interviews.”

Since then, Rogers has taken her call for forensic audits to other states, including Pennsylvania, where she campaigned alongside U.S. House candidate Teddy Daniels and Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano, who are also calling for a forensic audit of the 2020 election in the state.

In that time, Rogers also became a founding member of the new Election Integrity Caucus, a state-level organization for legislators across the United States who want to use the Constitutional duties to restore and preserve free and fair elections in the country.