CLEAN SWEEP: Virginia GOP Wins Governor, Lt. Governor, And Attorney General In Massive Rebuke To Democrats

With massive same day voting advantages, Republicans will be Virginia’s next governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general in a rebuke of Democrats, and specifically, their radically anti-American and racist education policies.

Republican Glenn Youngkin sailed to victory by more than 10 percentage points when the race was called, beating McAuliffe by 55.1% to the loser Democrat’s 44.3% of the vote. Fringe candidate Princess Blanding received 0.7% of the vote. Youngkin largely sailed to victory based on Republican frustration with Critical Race Theory, LGBTQ pornographic materials, and LGBTQ bathroom policies in schools.

Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring’s defeat may have been made inevitable in 2019, when he admitted to wearing blackface after National File’s Patrick Howley exposed outgoing Democrat Governor Ralph Northam for wearing either blackface or Ku Klux Klan robes in a medical school yearbook. When the election was called, Republican challenger Jason Miyares was ahead by around 10 percentage points.

Winsome Sears, the black, female, Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, has been declared the victor and is similarly ahead by 10 percentage points at the time of publication.

It appears Republicans have seized on a key issue: radically far left education policies in public schools. Parents, confronted with virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic, became increasingly alarmed to learn the subject matter of the children’s curriculum.

This was exacerbated in Virginia when it was discovered that homosexual pornography was made part of the curriculum for some students.

Fever over the issue reached new heights when it was revealed that a “skirt-wearing” boy anally raped a 15-year-old in a Virginia high school. The boy has since been convicted, with another rape charge at another school still pending, and his mother insists the rape happened by “accident,” and that the victim and her rapist planned to use the school’s lax bathroom policy as an opportunity to have sex.

The moment McAuliffe was defeated, however, may have come when – while being confronted with the majority of these scandals – the candidate came out strongly against parents. Specifically, McAuliffe said parents have no right to decide what their children are taught, and condemned parents who attend school board meetings to complain.

It remains unclear if the establishment backed Republicans who won the Virginia gubernatorial election will be able to keep their fundamental promise to their voters: Fix Virginia’s schools and replace the radically far left administrators, staff, and curriculum with an all-new pro-America model of education that can be made into an example for other Republican states.

The fate of Virginia may spell near-certain disaster for Democrats nationally come 2022, as well, should Republicans seize on the issues presented in the Virginia race. Since the early 2010s, the state has steadily leaned more Democrat, likely caused in no small part by the steady growth of Washington, D.C., which votes overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Nationally, Republicans may start to realize that railing against anti-white Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ curriculum is an opportunity to attract suburban parents shocked over what children are being taught using their tax dollars.