Analysts Rate Arizona, Georgia, Nevada Midterm Senate Races ‘Toss-up’ After Red Wave Soaks Virginia

The unprecedented Republican victories in Virginia led the non-partisan election analysts at Sabato’s Crystal Ball to predict “toss up” elections that could result in significant Republican Senate gains in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada following Tuesday’s devastating losses for the Democrats in Virginia.

Prior to Virginia’s political shakeup that saw Republicans elected to all three statewide offices and assume control of the House of Delegates, the Center for Politics’ Sabato’s Crystal Ball predicted easy Democrat victories in the midterm elections for for Sens. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Raphael Warnock (D-GA), and Cortez Masto (D-NV).

Now, Bennet has been downgraded to a likely Democrat victory and the other races have been downgraded to toss-ups in a development sure to please conservatives and independents opposed to the Democrats’ divisive agenda, stagnant economy, and runaway inflation. (READ MORE: Mark Kelly Drops Lawsuit Claiming He Didn’t Dress As Hitler, National File Report Stands)

A tough field has already formed to confronted Kelly in Arizona. Among them are Blake Masters, formerly of Thiel Capital, solar energy businessman Jim Lamon, and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

All three candidates have made election integrity central roles of their campaigns, with Masters tweeting about the election fight in November of 2020. Brnovich, however, as the highest ranking law officer in the state, has disappointed many election integrity advocates. (READ MORE: Arizona AG Brnovich Has History Of Sparring With Trump, Border Hawks Over Immigration)

Meanwhile, as the analysts noted in their report, Herschel Walker appears to be the favorite to become the Republican nominee in Georgia.

The analysts warn Democrats that should the results in Virginia be replicated in the 2022 midterm elections, “could help the Republicans win back the House and the Senate,” and noted the Senate’s odds are most improved.

“If Biden’s approval rating is in the low-to-mid 40s next year, as it is now, everything we know about political trends and history suggests that the Democrats’ tiny majorities in the House and Senate are at major risk of becoming minorities,” wrote the analysts.

Noting that the Republican selection process is early, they note that “even if Republicans don’t end up running strong candidates in these races, all 3 states are markedly less blue than Virginia,” and thus may become far more Republican in 2022.

Regardless of how unpopular their policies are, Democrats appear convinced that doubling down on divisive COVID-19 policies are the right way to find new voters. Today, apparently undaunted by the defeats in Virginia, the Biden regime moved forward with its vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees, and said that it may expand the mandate to smaller businesses in 30 days.