VIDEOS: Protests Form Across Italy As ‘Super Green Pass’ Set To Ban Unvaxxed From ‘Most Public Spaces’ Monday

Protests formed across Italy this weekend ahead of the government’s new “super green pass,” which will ban Italians who are unvaccinated and cannot prove they have recovered from COVID-19 from most public spaces.

Facing restrictions from “most public spaces,” according to an English-language Italian news outlet, Italians have taken to the street across that country to protest the government’s latest twist on its already divisive vaccine passport system, previously known in the country as the “green pass.”

In Bologna, protests blended with concerts.


In Genoa, thousands similarly took to the streets in a protest led by students chanting “People like us never give up”:

The Local Italy explains that “super green pass” is a phrase coined by the Italian media, while the government refers to it as the “reinforced green pass.”

The “super green pass” requires an individual to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or to have recovered from the virus.

If an individual does not have a super green pass, they will be banned from indoor seating at bars and restaurants, banned from tourists sites, museums, art exhibitions, theaters, cinemas, concers, clubs, discos, and sports events.

Hotels, changing rooms in sports facilities, and local transportation including buses and trams will also now require a basic green pass, which unvaccinated Italians who have not contracted the disease can obtain by proving they do not have COVID-19 every few days.