BOOSTERS FOREVER: Israel Welcomes Fourth COVID Jab As Vaccines Prove Powerless To Stop Omicron

The nation of Israel is now offering a fourth dose of the controversial Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as the Omicron variant continues to infect vaccinated people.

Israel, which has largely led the world in COVID-19 policies, is now rolling out a fourth dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine – the only vaccine of its type permitted in the country – to individuals over the age of 60.

There is no data suggesting a fourth jab may help, but an Israeli expert said that data is not necessary this time, because the Omicron variant is “scary.”

According to Israeli Professor Galia Rahav, a member of the panel of “experts” who approved the fourth dose,”We don’t really have data yet on the level of immunity, like we did when we decided on the third dose, but on the other hand, there is really scary data out there in the rest of the world.”

Per CNN, the new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett – a strident advocate of mass vaccination – greeted the news warmly.

“Wonderful news, do not waste time — go get vaccinated,” he said a statement earlier this week.

He added, “The citizens of Israel were the first in the world to receive the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and we are continuing to pioneer with the fourth dose as well.”

Israel has alreaday changed its definition of “fully vaccinated” when it comes to the country’s strict COVID-19 passport, which represents another first for Israel.

Israelis wishing to obtain a vaccine passport that allows them to live normally must now receive three COVID-19 vaccines, or prove they have recovered from the virus naturally.

The fourth jab may not come as a surprise, however, as the Israeli government had previously hinted that citizens would be required to get another vaccine dose every six months to keep their passports.

Meanwhile, the country’s COVID-19 czar had already warned the country to brace for a fourth dose, and many more after, in September of this year.

COVID-19 vaccines, thus far, have seemed ineffective at stopping the Omicron variant.

This was admitted recently by Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said that a face mask mandate was necessary because the variant was affecting a “disproportionate” amount of vaccinated people.

The CDC has also admitted that the variant has affected overwhelmingly vaccinated people, with unvaccinated individuals making up only 20% of cases in a recent statement.