WHO Says COVID-19 Pandemic ‘Must’ End In 2022, And It Requires Vaccinating The Whole World

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that the COVID-19 pandemic “must” end in 2022, and WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus suggested it will require vaccinating the entire world.

The Director-General made the statements earlier today in the WHO’s last planned COVID-19 briefing of 2021, Politico reported.

“2022 must be the end of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tedros, who added that “we know the virus very well and we have all the tools [to fight it].”

These tools apparently include a continuation and further expansion of the mass vaccination program underway in the majority of countries.

Tedros suggested the tools must be implemented “effectively” and with deference to “equity,” but also warned that the effort is global in nature.

“Unless we vaccinated the whole world, I don’t think we can end this pandemic,” Tedros concluded.

Another WHO official questioned whether the planet has the “stamina” to do what it takes in order to successfully complete a global vaccination campaign, despite enough vaccines being produced to undertake such an endeavor.

Meanwhile, even Politico noted that it is unclear whether the existing COVID-19 vaccines will protect against the extremely mild Omicron variant of COVID-19.

The CDC recently admitted that the majority of individuals with Omicron have been vaccinated, and the Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently said that the “disproportionate” number of vaccinated people contracting the virus is grounds for the return of the wildly divisive face mask mandate.

It was also reported today, via leaked information from the British government, that the Omicron variant appears to be far more mild than the Delta variant.

Still, this has not stopped Democrats in the United States and world leaders they are aligned with from embracing more vaccines.

Today, National File reported that Israel has officially embraced the fourth jab of the Pfizer vaccine – the only vaccine used in the country – for individuals over the age of 60. Health officials in that country previously told citizens to prepare for the fourth in September, when they received the third jab.

The WHO shot to international prominence during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was characterized by presentations plagued by technical errors that were mentioned in emails sent to Anthony Fauci.

President Donald Trump ultimately withdrew the United States from the WHO, citing the organization’s heavy reliance on funding from China, the origin point of COVID-19.