Republican Poll Worker Lies, Cover for Kiggans’ Pro-Trans Vote

Last Updated on June 21, 2022

A Jen Kiggans campaign staffer working at a GOP primary poll in today’s Virginia 2nd District nominating contest lied about the candidate’s far-left, pro-trans State Senate voting record, telling National File that Kiggans never voted with Democrats to open girls’ restrooms up to men.

The statement echoes previous ones by Kiggans herself, who has erroneously claimed that her vote for SB868, which was cited by the Virginia Department of Education in forcing schools to adopt radical bathroom and pronoun policies, was actually a vote to keep transgender Virginians off of welfare.

As extensively reported by National File, as a State Senator, Jen Kiggans voted in favor of Democrat Senate Bill 868, opening girls’ restrooms up to men and effectively rewriting the Virginia Human Rights Act in the image of the far-left LGBT lobby.

Furthermore, faith leaders and constitutional experts accused the legislation of “criminalizing Christianity,” as it even forces private schools to abolish gender-specific bathrooms.

At a 2nd District polling location, Kiggans campaign staff handed out literature presenting a drastically different picture of the McCarthy-backed Republican candidate, claiming that as a member of Congress, she will “keep transgender policies out of our schools.”

When interviewed by National File, a Kiggans campaign staffer parroted Kiggans’ previous claims about SB 868, telling National File that the radical legislation  “doesn’t affect schools,” and that the bill was meant to govern the job sector.

When further pressed, and informed that the Virginia Department of Education cited the bill in forcing schools to adopt pro-trans policies, the seemingly inexperienced staffer declined to continue the interview.

The campaign staffer, who identified himself as Luca, also appeared to be working in coordination with the Altman team, and voters at the polling location reported being told that if they don’t support Jen Kiggans, they should vote for candidate Tommy Altman instead. The guidance came in an apparent effort to shave votes away from America First candidate Jarome Bell, who Kiggans trails in recent polling data.