Video: Robert Kiyosaki Blasts ‘Communist’ Biden Energy, Economic Policies as ‘Plot to Destroy America’

Last Updated on July 14, 2022

Well-known businessman and best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki blasted Joe Biden’s “communist” energy and economic policies as being part of a “plot to destroy America” during a recent Newsmax interview, holding up a copy of The Communist Manifesto and telling the host that Biden’s polices came straight out of it.

Investment guru Robert Kiyosaki blasted Joe Biden’s energy and economic policies in a recent Newsmax interview, warning that they are part of a deliberate attempt to destroy the American middle class and could lead to a revolution.

Kiyosaki joined Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt Tonight to discuss record-setting inflation and America’s economic woes, pointing the finger squarely at the Biden Administration’s anti-oil and gas, Green New Deal policies that have skyrocketed the cost of energy, alongside virtually all goods and services, nationwide. After explaining his own background in the world of oil and gas, Kiyosaki, who is also a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War, blasted Biden’s Green New Deal policies as “Communist” and bent on destroying America and her middle class.

“My background is oil,” Kiyosaki said. “I drill for oil. So when I see what’s happening today, it’s the Green New Deal, it’s the woke culture, and the academic Marxists who are destroying this country via inflation, caused by oil.”

“They cut out of the Keystone XL pipeline to raise the price [of oil], and to get inflation up,” Kiyosaki went on, explaining that when the Biden Administration shut down the massive pipeline and others like it, those at the top of the energy food chain got richer, and the average American got poorer.

“These communists are destroying the middle class of America,” Kiyosaki said. “Which just makes me sick,” adding that he saw the horrors of communism “first hand” as a Marine Corps pilot in Vietnam and warning that the communist attack on oil is a “global problem” that will also lead to food shortages, which already appear to be well underway.

Holding up a copy of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, Kiyosaki told the host that “it is a plot to destroy America. It is not a mistake. It’s a Green New Deal and we’ve gotta fight back,” warning at the end of the interview that “when the middle class becomes poor, we’re going to have a revolution.”

Check Out Kiyosaki’s Newsmax Interview Below:

Kiyosaki, an expert in the oil and gas economic sector, has been outspoken against Joe Biden’s energy and fiscal policies, recently calling him “lame” and a “loser” in a tweet blasting the record-setting gas prices.

“Biden first blamed Putin for high gas prices,” Kiyosaki wrote. “Then he blamed oil companies. Now he blames gas stations. The facts are, he shut down the Keystone pipeline and oil prices began to surge causing poverty and homelessness. Biden is LAME,” he tweeted. “He is a LOSER.”

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