Narrative Smashed: NBC News Admits Trump Had No Contact With Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers

Last Updated on July 15, 2022

An NBC News report admits that 45th President Trump had “no contact” with Stewart Rhodes and the Oath Keepers related to the January 6th Capitol Hill demonstrations, smashing the conspiracy-driven narrative pushed by Nancy Pelosi’s J6 Committee, NBC themselves, and their corporate media cohorts.

According to reporting from NBC News, which has been at the forefront of attempts to tie President Trump to a supposed “insurrection” plot on January 6th, the President had no contact with Stewart Rhodes and the Oath Keepers, and Rhodes had no ability to contact President Trump or those in his orbit in the first place, dumping cold water on many a left-wing conspiracy theory.

Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Committee has “spoken extensively” with Kellye SoRelle, the report says, an attorney who served as general counsel to the Oath Keepers organization and was also a volunteer with Lawyers for Trump. While the committee hoped that they could use SoRelle to tie Team Trump and the White House directly to the Oath Keepers and the alleged “seditious conspiracy” they’ve charged Rhodes and other members with, they’ve been completely unable to do so, learning that Rhodes didn’t even have contacts within the White House, making any coordination with President Trump and his team impossible.

Rhodes reportedly tried to get in touch with Team Trump and the White House through SoRelle, but she was unable to help him, telling NBC News that she never communicated with the president directly and that she wanted to keep her work with the Oath Keepers and Lawyers for Trump separate anyways.

“He was hitting me up for a [Trump White House] contact,” SoRelle told NBC of Rhodes’ attempts to get in touch with the White House ahead of January 6th. “He didn’t have any access points,” SoRelle says, confirming to NBC that Rhodes had no way of reaching out to the White House himself, and no way of engaging in any form of a conspiracy with the President of the United States.

SoRelle tells NBC News that she herself “wasn’t, like, communicating with Trump directly,” at any time either, even in her work with Lawyers for Trump.

Despite being charged with seditious conspiracy and being accused of playing a central role in what the J6 Committee claims was a planned insurrection, Stewart Rhodes has yet to testify into the committee, despite publicly offering to do so in the form of a televised hearing. That has led to widespread accusations that Congressional Democrats are working to tightly control the J6 Committee’s narrative and are concerned that Rhodes’ testimony would derail the whole thing.

According to his attorneys, Rhodes and the Oath Keepers weren’t in DC on January 6th, 2021 for the purpose of storming the Capitol, but were instead waiting for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to stop the certification of contested electoral votes. That never happened, but Rhodes’ defense has now been reinforced by NBC News.

The NBC News report flies directly in the face of the claims that NBC and other corporate media outlets, seemingly in conjunction with the uni-party establishment, have made surrounding January 6th. As the January 6th Committee’s “witch hunt” conspiracy investigation into the demonstrations continues to fall apart, media outlets appear to be working to let J6 conspiracy theorists down easy.

In a recent New York Times report, well-known J6 agitator Ray Epps, who National File recently exposed as a Hillary Clinton Twitter fan, was cast as a victim of right-wing “disinformation” due to video evidenced accusations that he was on the ground in DC appearing to act as an agent provocateur on January 6th, 2021, encouraging peaceful demonstrators to knock down barricades and enter the US Capitol Building.

“Ray Epps was even at the front of the crowd as Trump’s supporters peacefully marched towards the Capitol. From there, the crowd was invited by a number of individuals — including Ray Epps and a mysterious man with a bullhorn — to go over the barricades and enter the building,” reports National File.

READ MORE: 1-6 Agitator Ray Epps is a Victim, According to The New York Times

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