Hillary Clinton Monetizes Her Email Scandal, Open Corruption After FBI Raid on President Trump

Last Updated on August 10, 2022

Failed Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is monetizing her email scandal in the wake of the Biden FBI’s raid on President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home, taking to Twitter to sell hats celebrating her historic corruption and above-the-law lack of consequences, with proceeds going to fund her far-left “Onward Together” PAC.

Following the Biden FBI’s raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-A-Lago, which is reportedly part of a hyper-partisan “investigation” into the 45th President, failed Democrat candidate and vanquished Trump opponent Hillary Clinton started peddling hats on her Twitter page boasting about how she got away with destroying more than 30,000 emails that had been subpoenaed by Congress as part of investigations into her massive corruption and lethal malfeasance as Obama’s Secretary of State.

The proceeds of Clinton’s hat sales, which are emblazoned with text reading “But Her Emails,” help fund the far-left “Onward Together” PAC that Clinton founded after her 2016 defeat at the hands of 45th President Trump.

When under a Congressional investigation in 2015, Clinton used “bleach bit” software to wipe her classified emails from the unsecured server on which she was illegally conducting government business rather than turn them over to Congress as she’d been ordered. Though the Clinton campaign claimed that she deleted her emails before she was subpoenaed by Congress, even the FBI, which has widely been accused of burying the Clinton investigation, has reported that the emails were deleted after the Congressional subpoena was issued, in an obvious effort to skirt investigators.

Despite her best efforts to cover up years of international corruption, thousands of emails from the server were obtained by third parties and released to the public, and have been alleged to show disturbing crimes committed by the Clintons and their associates. Still, no real action has ever been taken against her, even under the Trump Administration which made “lock her up” a 2016 campaign rallying cry.

Among the emails leaked from Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server are some that show that she knew of the dangers of the Wuhan lab, central to the global COVID-19 outbreak, as far back as 2009. At the time, Clinton warned that the gain-of-function research being conducted at the lab could lead to “biological weapons proliferation concern.”

Over a decade later, when COVID-19 broke out of Wuhan and swept across the globe, Hillary Clinton attacked those sounding the alarm over its origins as racists.

READ MORE: Judge Behind Mar-A-Lago Warrant Has Anti-Trump Social Media History

When President released a public statement confirming the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago, blasting what he described as “third-world” political persecution by far-left Democrats, he mentioned Clinton’s email scandal and seeming legal immunity, remarking that “Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable.”

President Trump Responds to ‘Third World’ Biden Regime FBI Raid on Mar-A-Lago Home

Further exposing the apples-to-oranges federal handling of Hillary Clinton’s documented corruption and the openly political “investigations” into President Trump, is the news that Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) had his cell phone seized by federal authorities after the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago.

The day after the raid, Rep. Perry, who was an ardent supporter of President Trump’s election integrity efforts following the contested 2020 Election and voted against certifying the contested results, announced that he had been approached by a trio of FBI agents who presented a warrant and seized his phone.

“These kinds of banana republic tactics should concern every Citizen,” Perry said in a statement blasting the FBI’s “aggressive actions.”

Related: FBI Seizes U.S. Rep Scott Perry’s Cell Phone