Stew Peters Show: Florida Lawmaker Calls for Arresting FBI ‘On Sight’ After Gestapo-Style Trump Raid

Last Updated on August 14, 2022

Florida lawmaker Anthony Sabatini ripped the Biden Regime’s weaponization of federal law enforcement during a recent interview on The Stew Peters Show and called for the FBI to be arrested “on sight” when snooping around in Florida, following their raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

America First hardliner Anthony Sabatini minced no words in a recent appearance on The Stew Peters Show, blasting the weaponization of federal law enforcement against the political enemies of the Biden Regime and Democrat Party.

The Stew Peters Show interview came on the heels of a viral tweet posted by Sabatini, who serves Florida’s 32nd District in the State’s House of Representatives. He’s also a candidate for the GOP nomination to Congress in Florida’s 7th District, which Republicans are looking to flip from blue to red in this year’s mid-terms. Given Sabatini’s America First activism and status as Florida’s most conservative state legislator, it’s no surprise that not only Democrats, but the GOP establishment led by Kevin McCarthy, have spent well into the six figures trying to stop his surging Congressional campaign.

Read More: Anti-Republican Dark Money PAC Attacks Anthony Sabatini as Election Day Nears

“Sever all ties with the DOJ immediately” Sabatini posted in a tweet following the Biden FBI’s nakedly political raid on Mar-a-Lago.

“Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested upon sight,” Sabatini’s tweet went on in saying.

RELATED: Trump Says FBI May Have Planted Evidence, Refused to be Monitored During Raid

Sabatini doubled down on his Twitter calls to arrest tyrannical FBI agents and break off Florida’s ties with the DOJ when he joined TV host Stew Peters for an interview on the matter.

“Deadbeat Republicans for many years let the 10th Amendment go dormant,” Sabatini said, saying the time for states to rise up and take back control in the face of a tyrannical federal government is “long overdue.”

“A lot of people don’t know this but the DOJ, the FBI, work in tandem with Sheriffs, local police chiefs, state law enforcement, every single day in all of these Republican states. So we’re essentially subsidizing and inviting into our states the FBI and the DOJ law enforcement arms,” Sabatini said, telling Peters that its time for states to pass laws preventing local law enforcement from collaborating with the feds.

“If a federal agency is operating and performing so-called law enforcement functions, which is what they’re pretending it is that they did when they raidied Mar-a-Lago, they have to gain state permission,” Sabatini went on to say, suggesting states begin exercising nullification under the 10th Amendment. “If they do not do that we should treat them as trespassers and arrest them,” he said.

“Use the state power against federal power,” Sabatini says. “It’s obvious!”

Though Sabatini told Peters that establishment Republicans in Florida’s legislature claim his ideas on standing up to the tyrannical feds are “too controversial to pass,” the America First lawmaker says his plan is really quite simple.

“Stop funding the tyanny, stop operating with the tyanny, stop working with the tyrannical federal agents,” Sabatini said. “Number two, go a step further and make it that they have to get express state permission before they operate in our state.”

“What the FBI is doing right now is a step towards being just a straight-up partisan police power,” Sabatini went on to say, comparing the Biden Regime’s federal police to those of the communist Soviet Union and warning of their obsession with destroying President Trump and his supporters.

“I think a KGB or a government police that just seeks to harm and harass the political opponenets of the regime is what they’re moving towards. They’re already there. It started in 2016 when they spied on Donald Trump, but now its to the point where they’re executing raids. We all know what’s coming next. They’re going to try to come and arrest both Donald Trump and other Republicans that oppose what Donald Trump is doing.”

Watch Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini’s interview on The Stew Peters Show below: