Wisconsin School District Renames Women, Girls ‘Person With a Vulva’ in New Sex-Ed Curriculum

Last Updated on August 24, 2022

A Wisconsin School Board has voted 6-1 in favor of adopting sexual education curriculum standards that reclassify women and girls as a “person with a vulva” in order to comply with a left-wing definition of inclusion while teaching human anatomy to sixth graders.

Under the “Human Growth and Development” curriculum standards adopted by the Wauwatosa School Board, which operates in deep blue Milwaukee County, children in sex-ed anatomy classes will learn that girls are not to be called girls and women are not to be called women. Instead, the curriculum states, they are a mere “person with a vulva,” referring to the genitalia that women are born with.

The curriculum has been blasted by parent groups and others, who point out that, under the left-wing standards apparently meant to shield the feelings of men who claim to be women, real women have been reduced “down to their body parts.”

In a statement released to the community, school officials claimed that, despite referring to female students by their genitals, the sex-ed program is “grounded in the importance of self-worth and the dignity of others.”

“Together with a community of educators and families, students in the WSD will be empowered to develop healthy relationships, to engage in respectful communication, and to practice responsible decision making [sic] that is grounded in the importance of self-worth and the dignity of others. Prepared instructors will provide grade level appropriate information on sexual health that is current, factual, consistent, and inclusive.”

Further information released by the school district sheds light on the so-called “Human Growth and Development” (HGD) program, which appears to have taken inspiration from other far-left practices that are besieging America’s schools.

According to the district’s pro-trans guidelines, children as young as kindergarten will be subject to “discrete lessons” based on the “National Sex Education Standards” and stemming from the HGD program. Those lessons will carry on and ramp up in intensity each year until they’ve graduated high school.

Included in the supposedly “discrete lessons” being taught to kindergarten students will be books about transgenderism. By the third grade, kids will be introduced to alternative genders and “they/them” pronouns, while in fourth grade, they’ll learn about the terms “cisgender,” “non-binary,” and “transgender.”

By the time students finish the fifth grade and have sat through lessons informing them about homosexuality and sexual orientation, they’ll be told to take a deep dive into the LGBT world in the sixth grade, something that will continue for the rest of their K-12 academic careers.

Related: K-3 SEL Curriculum in Delaware County Includes ‘Jacob’s New Dress’

The bizarre curriculum standards adopted in Wauwatosa resemble those adopted by other left-wing school districts in blue areas all over the country. Like in the other jurisdictions, parents in Wauwatosa have pushed back against the obscene “learning” standards, but to no avail.

Related: Fairfax County Schools May Suspend Students Who ‘Misgender’ Classmates

As more far-left, sexually-charged school materials are force-fed to schoolchildren, a groundswell of support has begun to form in favor of the school choice movement, in which parents are given a say in where their children will spend the bulk of their non-summer weekdays.

In Arizona, historic legislation was signed offering universal school choice, meaning that the parents of every one of the state’s more than 1 million school kids can choose where their own children will attend school. While public education teacher’s unions vehemently opposed the plan, it has been hailed as a landmark victory in the battle for parental rights.