Biden Worries Whether Democrats Will Get Opportunity to ‘Steal an Election Again’

Last Updated on August 26, 2022

While rattling off the gun bans and left-wing programs his party will install should they win the 2022 midterms, Joe Biden warned his fellow Democrats from the stage of a Maryland rally that the time to advance their radical agenda is now, because “no one has the opportunity to steal an election again.”

Biden joined fellow Democrats in a small setting in Rockville, Maryland to campaign for the state’s Democrat ticket in the 2022 midterms elections. In addition to electing federal representation, voters in Maryland will make choices at the state level, including for Governor. In that race, Trump-endorsed Dan Cox threatens to turn Maryland’s political order on its head, as the popular GOP nominee opposed by the establishment of both parties is experiencing a massive groundswell of support.

Joe Biden’s seemingly casual admission to pulling off one of the biggest heists in human history – stealing the 2020 Election – came as he spoke from the stage of the sparsely populated Democrat rally, at times struggling to string together sentences as he deviated from his teleprompter.

“If we just vote,” Biden told the crowd, before trailing off, then picking back up. “If we elect two more Senators, we keep the House for Democrats, we’re gonna get a lot of unfinished business, we’re gonna get done,” said Biden, tripping over his words before laying out the radical agenda his party bosses hope to advance through the next Congress.

“Folks look, we’ll codify Roe v. Wade. We’ll ban assault weapons. We’ll protect social security and medicare, we’ll pass universal pre-k, we’ll restore the childcare tax credit,” said Biden, reminding the nation of the stark turn he’s made from the days of old when he was considered a “pro-life Democrat.”

In 2008, Biden even threatened to shoot Barack Obama on the campaign trail should he try to ban guns. Now, he’s in lockstep with far-left gun grabbers and his administration is already moving towards confiscation, sending warrantless ATF agents to homes of citizens in a brazen anti-2A intimidation effort.

BIDEN ANTI-GUN AGENDA: Warrantless ATF Agents Show Up at Delaware Man’s Home, Demand to See His Guns

The most bizarre portion of his speech seemed to come towards the end of the clip in question, though, as Biden vowed to federalize elections and expressed a sense of urgency in advancing the left’s agenda through the legislature, because, as he puts it, “no one has the opportunity to steal an election again.”

Watch Biden’s Speech Below:

At another point in the Maryland rally, a “heckler” called Biden out over the historic levels of 2020 election fraud and irregularities that have been identified all over the country.

“You stole the election!” the man shouted.