ADL-Led Big Tech Firm Runs Pro-Migrant PsyOp in Poland

Last Updated on August 29, 2022

A big tech firm whose CEO is a board member of the far-left ADL is running a pro-migrant psyop in Poland, blanketing the European nation with pro-migrant video advertisements designed to “innoculate” the population against Polish patriotism and “anti-migrant tropes.”

Jigsaw, a subsidiary of Google, will “blanket” the nation of Poland with pro-migrant advertisements in the coming weeks, all part of a plan hatched by Jigsaw CEO Yasmin Green and a team of psychologists that the big tech firm has partnered with. In addition to serving as the CEO of Jigsaw, Green is a board member of the far-left and openly anti-Christian Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL, which has often been labeled a Jewish supremacist organization, has played a central role in the stifling of conservative speech in the United States, even partnering with the federal government and social media platforms to do so.

In Europe, the Jewish advocacy group has taken a hard line against Russia and other nations deemed too “nationalist,” like Poland, which has resisted opening its borders to millions of Middle Eastern and African illegal migrants, upsetting the liberal world order that the ADL is so intertwined with.

Poland has taken a leading role in accepting Ukrainian refugees following the Russian invasion of disputed territory there. The two countries border one another and share unique but somewhat similar Slavic cultures and histories.

This reportedly upset Green on a recent trip to Poland, where she lamented to the press that Poles have welcomed Ukrainians with open arms, but have closed their borders to the scores of illegal third-world migrants who are leaving a trail of blood across the regions of Europe that they’ve been allowed to occupy.

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In response, Green and Google subsidiary Jigsaw are rolling out a pro-migrant video ad campaign to “innoculate” the population against “misinformation.” That term is ill-defined by Green and Jigsaw but appears to mean any information running contrary to the global left’s open-borders migration narrative. The ad campaign, which is, on its face, a psychological operation (PsyOp) meant to goad Poles into opening their borders to the third world, will appear on YouTube and other big tech social media platforms.

Developed with the help of psychologists and researchers at the University of Cambridge, long a hub of globalist policy-making and psychological experimentation, the ad campaign will present viewers with “anti-migrant tropes” and other talking points, before teaching them how to refute them. This will all take place in a roughly 90-second video clip.

According to a webpage published by the University of Cambridge and detailing their work on the anti-Polish PsyOp, Jigsaw exists within Google to “tackle threats to open societies,” appearing to take inspiration from international oligarch George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation.

In a study published by Jigsaw’s head of research, Beth Goldberg, the big tech firm compared convincing the Poles to accept illegal migrants to convincing people all over the world to accept the COVID-19 jab. Those who don’t roll up their sleeves for the jab, or open their borders for the migrants, are the victims of “misinformation,” Goldberg and Jigsaw claim in the study, and they must be “inoculated” against it.