Foreign-Born Democrat Comes for Virginia’s Kids, Fights to End Parenthood

Last Updated on October 14, 2022

A foreign-born Democrat in Virginia’s House of Delegates is introducing legislation to criminally charge parents and remove their kids from their homes should they not “affirm” the supposedly LGBT sexuality and gender identity of their underage children.

The disturbing legislation, conceived by far-left foreign-born Democrat Elizabeth Guzman (HD31), comes following pushback on the social transitioning of kids deemed “trans” by their public schools without parental consent. Guzman says she will be introducing her anti-family bill at the start of Virginia’s next legislative session.

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According to Guzman, parents who stand in the way of government employees and other groomers from declaring their child LGBT and assigning them new pronouns and even a new name are guilty of child abuse and should face the wrath of Child Protective Services and the criminal court system.

Guzman told the local DC media covering her Northern Virginia district, which has been demographically and politically transformed by open borders in recent years, that the government, not parents themselves, get to decide what’s best for kids.

“The law tells you the do’s and don’ts” of parenting Guzman claims.

If parents don’t “affirm” their underage child’s supposed LGBT identity, “it could be a felony, it could be a misdemeanor,” Guzman said, before threatening the employment of parents who don’t go along with her disturbing agenda.

“We know that a CPS charge could harm your employment,” Guzman said. “Because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering employment.”

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National File spoke with children and parental rights activist Anne Taydus, of Virginians For Children First, about the new proposed legislation.

Taydus says that she, her organization, and a grassroots army of Virginia parents will fight Guzman’s disturbing legislation every step of the way.

“People do not realize the implications of this madness,” Anne Taydus told National File. “It is swinging the door wide open for the age of consent to be scrapped.”

“Children do not belong to the state. Period,” Taydus went on, blasting the godless, anti-family agenda of Virginia’s extremist Democrat Party, and explaining that legislation like this, which breaks apart the family and puts kids under the jurisdiction of the state, is not only unconstitutional but is the political form of child grooming.

“Legislation like this is fundamental to the grooming of children by sexual predators in government and elsewhere,” Taydus said.

“For decades the secular world has manipulated parents into handing their fundamental rights in the upbringing of their children over to the government through policies and legislation that sound noble on the outside but are truly designed to keep parents in the dark. It is time legislators stand up and acknowledge parental rights as fundamental, and the parent-child relationship as a constitutionally-protected one.”

“Virginians for Children First,” Taydus vowed, “will be the iron wall between the government and our children.”

“We are prepared to fight this all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States.”

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