‘Roevember’ Isn’t Coming: Democrats Have Failed to Find More Pro-Abortion Voters Ahead of Mid-Terms

Last Updated on October 22, 2022

Democrats have failed to pick up more pro-abortion voters ahead of the 2022 mid-terms, at least according to data collected in the key battleground state of Virginia. There, the state’s Democrats claimed all year that they’d cling to power in D.C. by churning pro-abortion voters out to the polls throughout early voting and into election day – but non-partisan data shows that hasn’t happened.

Throughout the midterm season, Democrats have claimed that women, as well as beta males wishing to absolve themselves of the responsibilities incurred by getting a woman pregnant, are rushing to the polls in 2022 to “save abortion.”

Pro-abortion voters, specifically women and young men, the Democrats predicted, would turn out in such force in 2022 that Election Day would be meaningless. The pro-abortion Democrat votes collected throughout early voting would be insurmountable, they claimed.

Unfortunately for the Democrats’ narrative though, the non-partisan non-profit Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) says that the numbers just aren’t adding up.

Despite the claims of party bosses and politicians hoping to save their seats in Washington, VPAP says they”ve seen no increase in the number of women and young voters heading to the polls during early voting and that, in fact, they’re seeing lower turn-out than they saw just one year ago, before Roe was overturned.

“We’ve seen tweets from Democrats claiming that in Post-Roe #Virginia, early voting is surging among younger voters and women. So far, the numbers don’t back that up,” wrote the Virginia Public Access Project, adding that the percentage of “women and younger early voters statewide is down slightly compared to last year.”

According to polling data compiled nationwide, while Democrats’ top election issues appear to be funding abortions with taxpayer dollars and providing “gender reassignment” surgeries to children, everyday Americans are focused on issues like border security, out-of-control inflation, and securing enough food to feed their families

Alarmingly for election integrity activists and supporters though, mail-in voting looks like it’s here to stay in Virginia, despite the election of Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin.

Related: State Senator Amanda Chase Calls on Glenn Youngkin to Ban Fraud-Ridden Electronic Voting Equipment

According to additional data posted to Twitter by VPAP, so far, at least 129,964 mail-in ballots have been cast in Virginia.

In 2020, mail-in and early vote ballots took center stage in the state’s vote tallying, as hundreds of thousands of Democrat votes were dropped into Fairfax County vote totals in the middle of the night, swinging not just Fairfax County, but all of Virginia for Joe Biden.

The ballot drop evaporated the lead President Trump had held all night in mere seconds.

In another highly irregular situation, this time in suburban Richmond’s Hanover County, 7th District Republican nominee Nick Freitas was on the cusp of declaring victory when thousands of Democrat votes were miraculously discovered on a “discarded thumb drive” at the county clerk’s office.

The addition of those votes into the 7th District’s 2020 totals saved the race for Democrat incumbent and former CIA agent Abigail Spanberger. 

Read More: AG Miyares, Top VA Officials Ignore Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud, Irregularities