Exclusive: John Hill, Descendent of AP Hill, Exposes the Monument Corruption of BLM Mayor Levar Stoney

Last Updated on December 16, 2022

National File spoke with John Hill, the closest living relative of Confederate General AP Hill, after his ancestor’s headstone monument was torn down and his remains were ordered dug up by Richmond, Virginia’s BLM-aligned Mayor, Levar Stoney.

As National File previously reported, Black Lives Matter militants gathered to celebrate as the grave of Confederate General AP Hill was desecrated on the order of Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, earlier this week.

As the desecration took place, BLM radicals were caught on tape shouting threats towards John Hill, for the apparent crime of caring about his family, and one of them even brandished a weapon in a Facebook live video.

All the while, Richmond police officers stood idly by.

While litigation is ongoing to determine the ultimate fate of the statue serving as General Hill’s headstone, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney and other BLM-aligned Democrats aim to have it sent to a black history museum, where it can be displayed as a trophy in the left’s war on White America.

For now, it sits in storage, having been the last major Confederate monument in Richmond left standing when it was torn down on December 12th, the day before the General’s grave was dug up.

Speaking with National File, John Hill confirmed that the statue is a privately-funded headstone, that Stoney and the City of Richmond have no real claim to.

“The monument was paid for by the Hill Family and friends, the Hill Monument Association, and veteran Confederate soldiers. It wasn’t paid for by the City of Richmond,” John Hill told National File.

“I had to exhume my ancestor’s remains,” Hill went on. “That’s my family, that’s my blood, that’s my family’s headstone. That’s not a city monument,” he said, adding that when the remains were brought out, he draped them in an Unreconstructed Flag of Virginia.

Now, they sit in an oak casket and await transport at a later date to Hill’s final resting place, in his hometown of Culpeper, Virginia.


Additional information provided to National File by Mr. Hill shed light on why Stoney and company so desperately want to keep the statues in their possession.

Devon Henry, the Stoney donor and “Team Henry” contractor who’s torn down dozens of Confederate monuments, is already making millions on the tear downs, well above market value.

Now, he’s monetizing the destruction even further on his “cryptofederacy” website, where he sells NFT souvenirs of the monuments that he and Stoney have destroyed.

“Mayor Stoney and Devon Henry from the Team Henry company, they’re friends, that’s why Stoney only uses Devon Henry to tear down statues,” Hill told National File. “Henry is a Stoney donor.”

“They have a company called ‘cryptofederacy’ and they’re selling pieces of the monuments for NFT. They’re profiting off of destroying these monuments.”

“That’s why they don’t want them to go anywhere but the black history museum. So they can say they own an authentic piece of a Confederate monument.”

AP Hill Monument
General AP Hill’s headstone monument, the night before it was torn down. via John Hill

As crews desecrated the grave of Confederate General AP Hill, Patrick Lindsey, the “Team Henry” employee who was overseeing the job, posted photos and taunts to Facebook, and even communicated back and forth with BLM demonstrators on the scene, giving them live updates as to what was coming out of the gravesite.

“Hunting for a dead general,” he wrote, attaching a picture of the disturbed grave site.

“AP Hill caved like a pathetic little bitch,” Lindsey wrote in a subsequent post, even including photographs of Hill’s remains, describing them in detail, to his apparent amusement.

“The corpse,” wrote Lindsey, attaching a photograph of General Hill’s flag-draped remains.

Included in the photograph is John Hill, who stood by his ancestor the entire time, despite the threats of violence from armed radical leftists.

“As far as I can tell the inventory was a few buttons, the brass hardware from the oaken box, two femurs, a skull, some assorted ribs, and a pelvis…No partridges. No pear trees,” Lindsey wrote in another one of his numerous Facebook posts, disclosing details the Hill family had wished to keep private.

Apparently very triggered by the Confederacy, in a post dated August 17th, Lindsey, who wears a photo of Bernie Sanders on his hard hat, wrote “fuck all the red states,” after a Tennessee court ruled that historic displays of Confederate memorabilia don’t constitute racial prejudice.

A former construction executive, Patrick Lindsey was sent to federal prison for cooking the books at Thalhimer before running the grave robbing crew at “Team Henry,” the company closely associated with left-wing Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, with a monopoly on destroying Virginia’s monuments.

“Patrick Lindsey is the little minion of Levar Stoney and Devon Henry. He’s done all the surveying on the monument tear downs since 2020. He was busted and sentenced to 27 months in prison for over $18 million in fraud,” explained John Hill to National File.

Check out some of Patrick Lindsey’s disturbing social media posts and criminal charges below, and follow American Patriot John Hill on Twitter:

Where is Glenn Youngkin!?

Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin and his office haven’t returned multiple requests for comment on the situation to National File, after having previously confirmed the Governor’s support for the destruction of Virginia’s Confederate monuments and Civil War history to this publication.

Like Youngkin, Attorney General Jason Miyares and Lt. Governor Winsome Sears have been absent on the issue, and each has previously endorsed historical vandalism.

When Richmond’s historic Lee Monument was vandalized and destroyed by BLM rioters, Sears and her campaign cheered on the statue’s demise.

READ MORE: BLM Mayor of Richmond, VA DIGS UP REMAINS of Confederate General AP Hill

Learn more about BLM Mayor Levar Stoney’s monument corruption: