Video: Russell Brand Completely Eviscerates MSNBC “Mouthpiece”

In an appearance on Bill Maher’s Realtime, comedian turned truth seeker Russell Brand completely shut down MSNBC commentator John Heilemann, pointing out that he and others on that network are nothing more than mouthpieces for their corporate overlords.

“It is disingenuous to claim that the biases that are exhibited on Fox News are any different from the biases exhibited on MSNBC,” Brand told Heilemann, adding “It is difficult to suggest that these corporations operate as anything other than mouthpieces for their affiliate owners, Black Rock and Vanguard.”

Brand went on to note that he has appeared on MSNBC, urging that “it was propagandist nut-crackery.”

“Do you think you can improve America by determinedly and avowedly condemning FOX News without acknowledging that you’re participating in the same game?” Brand continued, proclaiming that “to sit within the castle of MSNBC throwing rocks at Fox News is ludicrous. Make MSNBC better. Make MSNBC great again!”

Heilemann attempted to counter by charging “You don’t have a single actual fact,” and adding “I’d like to hear a provable specific example of an MSNBC correspondent or anchor being on television saying something they knew was false.”

Brand shot back, “Do you want an example? The ludicrous, outrageous criticism of Joe Rogan around Ivermectin. Deliberately referring to it as a “horse medicine,” when they know it is an effective medicine. Rachel Maddow turning on the TV, saying if you take this vaccine, you’re not going to get [Covid] when it hadn’t been clinically trialed.”


On the same show, Brand also hit Bill Maher with some pre-prepared facts on big-pharma:

Brand also appeared on Joe Rogan’s show last week where he expanded on the corporate media being bought off by big-pharma:


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