Video: Glenn Youngkin Calls for Gender Neutral School Bathrooms at CNN Town Hall

Last Updated on March 10, 2023

GOP Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin called for more “gender-neutral bathrooms” to be added to public schools during a CNN Town Hall in which he joined moderator Jake Tapper to field questions from students and parents on education issues.

Governor Glenn Youngkin was elected in a pro-parental rights wave that was largely spurred by the massive backlash to the trans bathroom rape of a teenage girl in a Loudoun County high school by a “gender-fluid” male in a skirt. During his Thursday night CNN town hall, Youngkin called for more gender-neutral bathrooms to be placed in public schools when questioned on school sports and restroom policies by a 16-year-old “transgender man.”

VIRGINIA: Gender-Fluid School Bathroom Rapist Takes Third Victim, Court Proceedings Allege

After plainly stating that athletes should compete in sports against their own biological sex, Governor Youngkin took a big step to the left, saying that “we need gender-neutral bathrooms” in public schools.

“What’s most important is that we try very hard to accommodate students,” Youngkin said. “That’s why I have said many many times, we just need extra bathrooms in schools. We need gender-neutral bathrooms, and so, people can use the bathroom that they in fact are comfortable with.”

Watch the video below:

Related: Disgraced ex-Superintendent Scott Ziegler Indicted by Grand Jury for Loudoun County Trans Rape Cover-Up

In addition to Glenn Youngkin’s endorsement of gender-neutral bathrooms, the Virginia Governor boasted of his kowtowing to the left on the issue of Virginia’s Civil War history, when asked about his professed opposition to critical race theory-inspired curriculum.

Youngkin criticized Virginia history standards that weighed multiple causes of southern secession and the American Civil War, during which Richmond, Virginia served as the Capitol of the Confederate States of America.

“For the first time Virginia history standards,” Youngkin said, students, will learn that “the cause of the Civil War was slavery.”

“The teaching of that basic fact was critical,” Youngkin told the CNN town hall.

Previously, Youngkin has expressed support for the removal of Confederate monuments and memorials and has faced criticism from Virginia heritage groups for his allowing the desecration of Confederate General AP Hill’s Richmond gravesite. When previously contacted by National File for comment on the forced exhumation of General AP Hill by Richmond Democrat Mayor Levar Stoney, Youngkin and his office didn’t offer a response.

Read More: BLM Mayor of Richmond, VA DIGS UP REMAINS of Confederate General AP Hill

Youngkin’s CNN town hall came as he’s been floated as a potential Trump challenger in 2024, a hypothetical candidacy that GOP establishment figurehead Paul Ryan has staunchly backed. Despite Youngkin’s reported meetings with “GOP mega-donors” in New York City, he’s largely failed to garner any real support among likely GOP Presidential Primary voters.

In early 2024 primary polling conducted in his own state of Virginia, Youngkin was blown out by President Trump by a 34-point margin. Furthermore, 54% of the poll’s Virginia respondents opposed the idea of Governor Youngkin running for President in 2024.

Read More: President Trump Blows Out Glenn Youngkin in 2024 GOP Presidential Primary PollingÂ