Kevin McCarthy Drags Feet, Freedom Caucus Impotent on J6 Footage Release

Last Updated on March 14, 2023

The House Freedom Caucus is completely impotent as Speaker Kevin McCarthy continues refusing to make good on his campaign promise to release more than 40,000 hours of J6 security footage that exonerates J6 political prisoners and blows the lid off of the uni-party narrative.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy campaigned on releasing more than 40,000 hours of unreleased J6 security footage to the American People, but so far he’s only released it to Fox News and Tucker Carlson. After his selective release was halted by Fox News oligarch Rupert Murdoch, McCarthy now claims that he will “slowly” release the more than 40,000 hours of J6 footage to “every” corporate media outlet, while still refusing to release the unedited video trove straight to the American People.

While the conservative base at the heart of the GOP’s electoral fortunes has been furious about the botched film release, members of the House Freedom Caucus, who market themselves as allies to the common man and woman, have been completely impotent when it comes to holding McCarthy to his campaign promises.

Related: McCarthy, Senior Aides Implicated in Silicon Valley Bank Failure

An outlier among his impotent Freedom Caucus colleagues has been Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, who during a recent appearance on the Stew Peters Show called for the Jeffersonian motion to vacate to be used against Kevin McCarthy, putting his new speakership up for another vote as a result of his failure to release the J6 footage.

Gosar told Peters that with the Freedom Caucus preparing for its annual members’ meeting, he’s prepared to challenge fellow Freedom Caucus members on virtually everything that they’ve done to allow Kevin McCarthy to run roughshod over conservatives.

“Will the motion to vacate the chair be discussed” in regards to removing Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership, Peters asked Gosar, who replied that he’s “sure it will” be.

As Gosar mentioned during the Stew Peters Show segment, J6 political prisoners are languishing away in federal gulags, while Kevin McCarthy sits on his hands and refuses to release the security footage that could exonerate them, and blow the lid off of the uni-party J6 committee narrative.

The failure of the Freedom Caucus to stand toe-to-toe with McCarthy on the J6 footage issue marks a pronounced change from the tough talk they exhibited during the recent Speaker of the House vote when Freedom Caucus members spent days blocking McCarthy’s speakership before ultimately allowing him to become Speaker with less than normally-required 218 votes.

Read More: GOSAR: Kevin McCarthy’s Removal From The Speakership Will Be Discussed If He Does Not Release Full January 6 Footage

National File reached out to Freedom Caucus leadership and prominent members like Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), but received no response at the time of publishing.

None of the aforementioned Freedom Caucus Reps or their staffers were willing to answer National File when asked if they know if and when Kevin McCarthy will release the J6 footage to the public, how much of it Tucker Carlson has actually reviewed and published, or whether or not they’d join Rep. Paul Gosar in backing the use of the motion to vacate against Kevin McCarthy, over his failure to release the J6 footage to the American People.

Watch Rep. Gosar on the Stew Peters Show below:

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