Flashback Footage: AIDS Patients Storm the NIH After Fauci Blocks Life-Saving Treatments

Last Updated on March 22, 2023

Recently resurfaced video footage from a 1990 protest at the National Institute of Health shows AIDS patients and gay activists storming the NIH in protest of Dr. Anthony Fauci, as he was blocking those stricken with the disease from accessing treatments that could have saved their lives, giving his Big Pharma allies a monopoly on HIV/AIDS medications, which proved useless and oftentimes even more detrimental to patients than not treating them at all.

In 1990, as HIV/AIDS cases among homosexuals and IV drug users reached epidemic levels, gay activists stormed the National Institute of Health, calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s head. Fauci, who had already been heading up the NIH for roughly six years at the time (he’d stay in the position until receiving a promotion in 2022), was accused by AIDS patients and their supporters of conspiring with Big Pharma to block life-saving treatments and medications that were more accessible and far cheaper than those offered by the multinational drug-producers that he remains aligned with to this day.

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The accusations that AIDS patients made against Anthony Fauci are backed up by the historical record, and compare to his efforts to block the use of drugs like Hydroxychloroquine as cases of Chinese-born COVID-19 raged in 2020.

“The whole thing with the National Institute of Health is that they won’t test any of these drugs that will keep people alive,” one activist told reporters outside of the NIH.

“No Peptide T, no Compound Q, Anthony Fauci I piss on you!” the young man told the reporters as he showed off an anti-Fauci protest sign arrangement he’d put together for the occasion.

Other demonstrators outside the NIH headquarters chanted “storm the NIH, storm the NIH” and eventually, they did, forcing their way past the police officers stationed outside as they demanded to see Anthony Fauci, who doesn’t appear in the news segment from 1990.

Watch video footage of the 1990 protest below:

The sentiments expressed by the 1990 demonstrators outside the NIH echo those displayed in “An Open Letter To Dr. Anthony Fauci,” written by gay AIDS activist Larry Kramer and published in the San Francisco Examiner on June 26th, 1988.

“Anthony Fauci, you are a murderer,” Kramer wrote in his open letter, calling Fauci’s studies on AIDS patients, which were not meant to cure them or save their lives but to observe the way different medications would react to the disease in their bodies, “government-sanctioned mass murder,” and called Fauci’s leadership of the NIH a Big Pharma salesman’s “wet dream.”

Read the full “Open Letter To Dr. Anthony Fauci” HERE

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