Video: New Zealand Prime Minister Can’t Define What A Woman Is

Last Updated on April 3, 2023

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins couldn’t define what a woman is when asked by a reporter at a video-recorded press conference, stumbling over his words and talking in circles as he admitted that he’d need time to “formulate” a proper answer before stating for sure what makes a woman a woman.

Chris Hipkins, the left-wing Labour Party Prime Minister of New Zealand, was left a bumbling, speechless mess when a reporter asked him to define what a woman is, claiming that the very straightforward question had come out of “left field” and that he would’ve liked time to prepare an answer to it beforehand.

“How do you, and how does this government define a woman?” reporter Sean Plunket, whose Twitter account was attacked by trans trolls as a result of the exchange, asked the Prime Minister. After the question, PM Hipkins took a moment to smirk and apparently collect his thoughts before completely failing to provide an actual answer.

“To be honest Sean, that question has come slightly out of left field,” Hipkins replied, before launching into a mental gymnastics routine that saw him completely dance around the obvious answer as to what makes a woman a woman, apparently as to not offend the alphabet mafia trans lobby.

“Umm, the, well, biology, sex, gender…umm” Hipkins bumbled on. “People define themselves, people define their own genders,” he claimed.

When further pressed by the reporter, and directly asked whether or not women have penises, Hipkins again failed to provide an answer and even told the reporter that such a question would require him to “pre-formulate” an answer, something he hadn’t done before the press conference because he “wasn’t expecting” to be asked whether or not women have penises.

“Well, as I’ve, I think, as I’ve just indicated I wasn’t expecting that question, so it’s not something that I’ve, um, you know, formulated, pre-formulated an answer on,” Hipkins said, before going on to attack Posie Parker, a well-known British women’s rights activist and so-called TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), calling her view that “gender,” more accurately called biological sex, is binary and determined at birth, “abhorrent.”

Watch the video below:

It’s come as no surprise to many internet users, who are mocking Prime Minister Chris Hipkins on social media, that the leader of New Zealand is unable to define what a woman is, considering that nation has been at the forefront of the anti-human, globalist movement in recent years.

Hipkins’ predecessor, former Prime Minister and World Economic Forum associate Jacinda Ardern, is in fact a woman, but it’s unclear if she would’ve been able to provide an answer to the reporter’s question was she the one who was asked instead of Hipkins. If it’s any indication, Biden-appointed US Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, a woman herself as well, was unable to define womanhood when asked by the US Senate.

Throughout her time at the helm of New Zealand, Ardern took on many globalist initiatives that have torn at the fabric of Western and English-speaking societies much like the transgender issue itself has.

Ardern presided over New Zealand’s banning of semi-automatic firearms, as well as the COVID-19 “pandemic” and death jab roll-out, forcing mRNA jabs into the arms of millions on behalf of the international order.

Read More: Former New Zealand PM: ‘There’s Not Going To Be An Endpoint To This Vaccination Program’

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