BLM Rioter Let Off With Probation Murders His Infant Son

Last Updated on April 10, 2023

A violent Black Lives Matter rioter with ties to Antifa who was let off with probation after he besieged a Portland, Oregon federal courthouse and threatened to shoot cops with an AR has now murdered his own infant son and has been sentenced to just 12 and a half years in prison for the homicide.

BLM/Antifa rioter Dakota K Means was convicted in federal court for his homicidal threats to law enforcement, which were made as left-wing radicals laid siege to the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon during 2020’s George Floyd riots, with militants engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the police, attacking them with weapons, and repeatedly attempting to torch the courthouse. Additionally, the radicals attacked local businesses and even the private homes of citizens living in the area.

Despite his brazen political violence, Means was let off the hook with probation, a far cry from the sentences handed out to peaceful J6 election integrity protesters, many of whom are still languishing away in federal holding facilities without trials.

Now, less than three years after being let off easy by a leftist judge, Dakota Means has been convicted of murdering his infant son in an especially brutal manner, yet he’s only received a 12-and-a-half-year sentence.

Related: Riot Death Toll Is Now Greater Than Number of Unarmed Blacks Killed By Police In 2019

According to reporter Andy Ngo, who has frequently profiled the violent crimes of BLM/Antifa radicals in and around Portland, which are seemingly endorsed by the local government, Means’ infant son was found to have “had a fractured skull, brain bleeds & broken ribs” when his lifeless body was examined, having been murdered by his own father.

“Means was a regular at the riots in 2020,” Ngo reported in a tweet, adding that Means was “even camping out during the day in front of the Justice Center with the #Antifa crew.”

BLM Rioter Murder

As Ngo mentioned in his tweet, Means committed arson during a July 2020 riot, footage of which is available for viewing below. Despite the documented violence of Dakota Means, he, like countless other left-wing radicals, was let off the hook by a left-wing justice system with a slap on the wrist, only to escalate his violence into the homicide of his own defenseless child.

Watch 2020 riot footage of Means below:

Related: Texas Soldier Convicted of Murder for Shooting Armed BLM Rioter During Mob Attack